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May 19, 2003

"Solaris Rhionnan Daley, put on your coat before you freeze to death!" Nineteen year old Hazel Daley yelled out to her three year daughter who had been playing in the snow clutching her pregnant belly as she struggled to waddle over. It was safe to say that Hazel knew nothing about being a mother, having her own child at the ripe age of sixteen she just wanted to do what was best for her daughter.

Solaris paid no attention to her mother and continued to use her tiny hands to shape the pure white snow into anything she desired, her cheeks was as red as a beautiful rose in the wintertime and innocence shown in her eyes as she smiled at her tiny creation. She fiddled with the snow running it between her tiny palms, the coldness on her warm skin was harrowing yet left a small twinge of satisfaction.

Hazel couldn't help but watch her small child play in the snow with a sense of satisfaction. She then realized how cold is was and rushed into the house to get Solaris winter coat.

Solaris smiled a full smiled, she squatted down to take a better look at the snow, winter hardly came as hard as it had done this year in their small town, she saw a flash of purple and bend down to see that it was a beautiful flower; violet.

Solaris picked up the beautiful flower and smiled at it, her innocent mind didn't once think to question how the flower even got there, out of a place in the bed of pearly white snow. Solaris used her tiny hands to push her shoulder length blonde hair out of the way to get a better look at the beautiful flower. She touched her nose to the vibrant purple petal, an act of innocence as she picked up the faintest smell of spring.

Meanwhile Hazel stood frozen in the doorway, her phone pressed against her ear as she argued with the interviewer from the job she was aiming to get, she had missed an interview because of her doctors appointment, they finally agreed to disagree, settling on Hazel coming in tomorrow morning for a final interview. Hazel sat her phone down and grabbed her daughter's pink coat that was laying on the couch abandoned, she walked outside prepared to scold her daughter about staying out so long without a coat.

Except, Solaris was no longer there happily playing with the snow, the only sign left of her was a tiny creation in the snow that had been written in a child's handwriting.

'I luv yuu momy'.

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