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Ally (look at Austin ) (ran)

Austin:ally !!!! noo

ally why are u cheating on me with her we are marriage Austin!!!!!

Austin please i told her i was marry please (crying) i can't loose you please

ally (crying ran and hugs) i love u Austin! ]

Austin i love u too ally

ally (crying in his chest)

austins (strokes her hair) shh its ok!

ally you promise

Austin -(kisses ur forehead) i promise (cries) no one will hurt you 

Ally (look down ) i love you Austin

Austin (lifts her chin) i love you more (wipe the tear off her cheek )

                                                                   *start rain*

Ally (looking in Austin eyes)

Austin (looking in ally eyes lean in )

ally (lean in too )

Auslly *kiss*

Ausin (pulles away ) here comes forever girl  (smiles)

ally (smiles)

Austin (take of his jaket and put it on ally ) i don't want you sick ally

Ally thank you

Austin let sit down and watch the moon shine

ally okay

auslly (sit down)

ally (lays her head on Austin shoulder) it pretty

Austin not as pretty as you ally moon

ally (blush)

Austin i love u Allison moon

ally i love you too Austin moon

Austin (kiss her cheek )

Ally everytime i with u my heart beat fast and faster everytime ausin

ally aww ally come on we can go home and have some hot coco and sit next to the fire places

Arranged Marriage ( Auslly love story )Where stories live. Discover now