Talking Doritos

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Dipper walked away and back to the shack with the laugh still following him but what he didn't see was the statue cracked across the eye. The crack began to grow. It soon spread all across the statue.


Dipper walked into the shack. Gideon was gone. He walked into the kitchen and saw Stan, Ford and Mabel standing in there. "Dipper you're back!" Mabel cheered when she saw her twin brother. Dipper didn't hear her though. That laugh was still echoing in his head. He walked to the cupboard and grabbed a packet of Doritos. The laugh was annoying him. And it was growing louder. "Dipper?" Mabel asked, walking closer to him. The laugh began to give him a headache as it increased in volume. Dipper collapsed to the ground shaking slightly. "Dipper!" Mabel called out. Ford and Stan ran over and helped get him to his room. They laid him on his bed while Ford checked him over.

Inside his head...

Dipper opened his eyes and saw nothing. It was an empty space. He then heard that laugh again. He looked round. "Hiya!" He heard someone say. He looked round. "Ahh!" He screamed. "Woah calm down." He said. "A TALKING DORITO!!" He screamed. "Hey! I've got many nicknames but I don't like being called a Dorito!" He said. Dipper calmed down. "Who are you?" He asked. "The name's Bill. Bill Cipher. But don't worry. I know who you are Pine Tree!" He said. "Pine Tree?" He asked confused. "My nickname for you! Cause of your hat! It has a pine tree on it." He said. Dipper took off his hat and looked at it. "Oh yeah." Dipper then thought of something. "You were that statue in the forest weren't you?" He asked. "Yep!" "But how? How can you be here if you are a statue?" He asked. Bill shrugged. "I guess because you shook my hand." Dipper then remembered. "So, what do you want?" He asked. "Slow done kid. Lets talk! I wanna get to know you and be friends." Bill said. Dipper nodded. "But it will have to wait. You're waking up. Don't tell your family about me. See ya Pine Tree!" Bill said before disappearing. "Bye Bill!" He yelled.

In reality...

Dipper opened his eyes slowly and saw Mabel, Stan and Ford surrounding his bed. "Are you okay Dipper?" Asked Ford. He nodded. "Why?" Ford was silent for a second. "Because... You said Bill... while you were unconscious." Dipper looked at him. "Who?" He asked. Ford shook his head. "Never mind. We will leave you to rest." He said pulling Mabel and Stan out of the room with him. Dipper stayed in his bed thinking of the talking Dorito he met.

Meanwhile Ford walked into the forest with Mabel following him. "Grunkle Ford, why did Dipper say Bill!?" She asks chasing after him. "I don't know. Bill is dead! Maybe it was a memory but I have to check!" He yelled back. "Check what?" He hen stopped. Mabel crashed into his back. She looked over his shoulder to see what he was looking at. It was the statue of Bill. But it was cracked all over and parts were crumbling away. "Oh no..." Ford said as he stared at the statue. "What's wrong. The statues crumbling, big whoop." She said rolling her eyes. "Very big whoop. If someone shook that hand then Bill would return. It was the only way he would be able to come back." He said. "But everyone in town knows about Bill." She said then gasped. "But Dipper doesn't." Ford said. "So... you're saying that Dipper... shook Bill's hand?" Mabel asked, scared. "Yes. But luckily there was no deal. But we have to keep an eye on Dipper. One wrong thing could start Weirdmageddon all over again." He said. They ran back to the shack and told Stan. "So we just beat the sucker like last time." Stan said. "But if we do it exactly like last time then someone will lose their memories." Ford said. "Use Dipper. He's got not memories." Stan said. Mabel punched him. "Okay sorry!" They then heard Dipper walking down the stairs. "Look. I'll talk to him." Ford said.

Bill's POV:

It's gonna be hard to use Pine Tree. But if I can make him trust me... Then maybe.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed and I'll see y'all in the next chapter.

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