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Upon hearing Kinglyn's words, both Luma and Mark stepped away from each other, a blush rising onto Luma's face.

Seeing that he had received the attention of both of the prisoners, Kinglyn began to speak. "I'm afraid I must run a test on you," he nodded his head towards Luma, "and Mark, you will have to stay in your cell. Temporarily."

Mark's eyes darkened to a nice shade of crimson, about the color of blood, but he did not protest as Asha tied his hands together and escorted him back to his own confinements.

This left Kinglyn and Luma alone in the room. Kinglyn smiled at Luma. "I feel there's no need for chains, between the two of us?"

Luma nodded, still suspicious of the man, but pleased that he wasn't chaining her. "I would like that." she admitted.

Kinglyn pressed his finger to the sensor, and the duo left cell 17.

The hallway they walked down was plain- blank and boring, made out of the same type of material the cells were. On the left were the cell doors, each one having a number. Luma eyed the tall, forbidding doors, wondering what could be behind them. What sort of horrors does this one hold? she mused to herself, hand running over the engraved number 1 on the last door of the hall. A dangerous monster, a misunderstood boy, or a innocent girl?

Kinglyn fumbled with a small card hanging from a necklace he wearing. Luma paused, brow furrowing. Which cell is Mark's? She couldn't help but wonder to herself, but her thoughts were interrupted by a sharp click and the heavy metal door the two stood before swung open. Luma had only just walked through the door when it swung silently shut.

They had entered a room. It wasn't small, rather the opposite, but it still felt cramped, for there were electric screens and experiments everywhere. The room was dimly lit by the bright screens, but there were a few faded light bulbs hanging from the ceiling. Luma had the vague impression that some kind of electricity-obsessed mad scientist lived there.

Kinglyn cleared his throat loudly. "Ressa? You in here?"

"No, she's out for lunch break right now." a teen girl stepped out from behind a shelf covered in strange looking light bulbs.

"Ah." Kinglyn nodded understandingly as he spoke. "I didn't realize so much time passed."

The girl shrugged, not having a response to that remark, seeing as she wasn't quite sure what he'd been doing in the prison cells. While Asha told her some things about the werewolf mission, not everything could be revealed. "So Kinglyn, am I able to help, or do you need me to grab Carressa? And who is she, if I may ask?"

Kinglyn smiled back. "No, I think you'll be able to help me out with this one." A grin crawled onto the girl's face, she was obviously pleased to help.

Luma waited for Kinglyn to get going, she was anxious to find out what she was doing in the strange electronic room, and she wanted to know why they had even taken her away from En and Marge. At the thought of the kind women of Lalaland's Underneath, Luma sighed, feeling guilty. They still didn't know where or why she had disappeared.

But then again, neither did Luma's parents. Luma pressed her lips together in a straight line.

"Luma? Luma, are you okay?" Luma blinked, realizing that Kinglyn was talking to her.

"What? Oh, um, I'm fine, I just was thinking." she answered.

"Anyways, Luma, this is Emersyn she's one of the Vitae mechanics, Emersyn this is Luma, she's from the human Dimension but got wrapped up with Matchitehew."

Emersyn smiled at Luma, extending a hand for her to shake. "Nice to meet you Luma." she said.

Luma answered back, her voice polite but cold. She felt cold and distant, and her slight headache was making a comeback.

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