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Jinyoung screamed in pain when Jackson's hammer hit his leg.He didnt stop from setting his tears free this time.All he could see was Jackson hitting him countless times and blood.

"S-stop it."

Jackson paused for a moment and smiled evilly.This moment pleasured him a lot seeing someone like this,plus that person being Jinyoung was delightful.

"What was that?"

"I s-said s-to-" Jinyoung couldn't finish his sentence because of the blood coming from his mouth.He couldnt talk properly since he lost his voice by screaming a lot.Jackson dropped his hammer on the ground and took a glance at Jinyoung's purple leg which was covered in so much blood.

"How boring." he said and left the room leaving a nearly unconscious pale boy behind.

Jackson went to the bathroom to get cleaned up.He looked at the mirror seeing his face.It was covered in sweat and blood.His eyes were pitch black and his skin was also pale.

He looked down at his clothes and fingers.Smiling happily Jackson licked the blood off of his fingers.

He washed his hands with his favourite coconut scented soap and cleaned them.He changed his dirty clothes and put on new ones.

He went down to the basement and opened the First aid kit.He took a lot of bandages,some pain killers,a serum that creates numbness when injected in body and an injector.He also took a real serum and a holder to stabilise Jinyoung's condition.

Jackson opened Jinyoung's door without feeling the need to knock.

"Hey Jinyoungie!"


"Feeling a little rude? I see.
   Well I have a gift for you."

Jinyoung opened his eyes slowly and tried to turn his head to Jackson.He was holding some medicine type of stuff.

"This will hurt a little but-" Jackson's sentence was cut off.
"It wont hurt as much as your hammer hits." Jinyoung whispered.His breaths were heavy and slow plus his body temperature was higher than 37.

"Aww are you still thinking about that Jinyoungie.Sorry about that!" Jackson giggled.

"Now what was I saayyiiinnngg ah right! This will hurt a little."

Jackson grabbed Jinyoung's waist and made him sit straight.He didnt even twitched or made a sound.

"Good boy ." Jackson whispered into his ear.

He gave him some pain killers and a glass of water.He set the serum's holder and opened a way into his vein with an injector.This would stabilise his condition.

He sucked up some of that liquid that created numbness with another injection and used it on both of his legs.
He covered them with a bandage afterwards.This seemed like it calmed Jinyoung a little.

"T-hanks." Jinyoung mumbled still feeling a little shy.He didnt know why but after all the torture Jackson has done to him he still felt shy while talking.

"Atleast I should do this." Jackson said standing up to leave the room.

"Jackson Can we talk?" Jinyoung said with a serious tone.This surprised Jackson since it had been a long time without hearing Jinyoung like this.

Jackson sat back to his seat and made eye contact with Jinyoung making him gulp.

"Why are you doing this to me?"

"Because you stole Mark."

Jinyoung took a deep breath before starting.He knew there was a possibility that Jackson would torture him again after his words.

"Mark never loved me and I never felt him the way I felt-"


"I felt towards you."

Jackson's eyes widened as he gasped.
What is he saying? Is he out of his mind!

"Mark and I were in a toxic relationship and I tried to hide it from you as much as possible but now it has no point."

"What do you mean?"

"Mark becomes abusive when he drinks which he does a lot.He kept texting with people behind my back and a lot more.I didnt wanted to tell these to you since you loved him so much.He had a really good image in your eyes I didnt have the guts to ruin it."

Jackson's kept his head down squezzing the edge of his sleeves.His vision became blurry by his tears.He couldnt help but wonder how would Mark treat him if they were a couple.

"Im sorry." Jackson managed to say.Jinyoung refused to look at Jackson so decided to look out of the window.


"It's raining I remember you saying how much you hated it because of storms." Jackson said sniffing and slightly smiling.

Jinyoung smiled back still facing the window.
"Stay with me today."

"I will.I will also be careful about not touching your legs since they're a bit messed up."

Jinyoung giggled at his response.He already knew he was starting to lose his sanity which was okay.If that's what Jackson wanted he would give it to him gladly.

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