When I'm standing outside in the night looking up into the sky, I feel home.
It's a place where I feel home. I turn my head upwards so that there's nothing else to be seen apart from the universe above me.
Like a ceiling, the darkness with thousands and millions of worlds in it covers my kwn little world. And so I look up and feel welcomed in the infinity of stars with the moon standing out in front of them. The moon seems like a protector and he feels si comfortable although he's so far away from me.
As I breathe in, I can smell it.
A warm, bracing air surrounds me. It smells like ice-cream but with no exact flavour. It clears my mind and so I breathe in and I breathe out, feeling protected in this world full of dangers, because I'm not alone.
I've got those millions of worlds above my head waiting for me.

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