Chapter 1

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It was a beautiful fall afternoon and I could already smell the flowers from afar. He just ask me if I wanted to go on a picnic and I said yes. I was on my way to the grass field where he ask me to meet him. When I got there I saw a beautiful..

"Kayla? Kayla! Are you awake yet?" said my stepmother. Ugh! Can't I just finish this one dream, I thought as I lazily got out of bed.

"Yes I'm up what do you want now"? I asked. "I have your list for the things you are needed to do today," she said. "Can't you have one of your servants or someone else do that?"  I whined.

"Nope not now, not tomorrow, and not ever. I suggest you get up now if you want to finish before dinner,"  she said even though she clearly knew that I wouldn't finish by then.

I sighed and walk over to the bathroom to take my shower, but when I was about to walk right in Lauren, one of my stepsisters, quickly slide right past me and into the bathroom.

"Opps, should've been quicker, try again next time," she said then laughed sinfully closing the door and locking it behind her.

"Hurry up!" I shouted. "Wouldn't bet on it Kalya," Lauren shouted back. She's always like this, I wish I could just take my hands an- happy thoughts Kayla, happy thoughts. Lauren eventually got out of the bathroom after fifty three minutes, yeah I was counting.

"What took you so long?" I asked clearly annoyed. "Beauty takes time honey," she smirked then skipped away. I just roll my eyes while shaking my head going into the bathroom.

After taking a quick shower, I got dressed and went to go get the stupid list from that skunk bag, I mean my beloved stepmomther.

Who am I kidding, we all know how much of a brat she is, or at least I did. "It's about time you got here, I thought you went back to sleep even though you need it. Look at you, your shoulders are slumped, you have a frown on your face, and you just look hideous," the brat herself said while looking me up and down.

"Anyway that isn't the problem. Chop Chop, get to work," she said while clapping her hands like a retarded seal.

I laughed to myself quietly and snatched the list out of her hand without another word then walked away.

Four and a half hours later, I'm only half way done with the freaking list. I don't even know why she gives my these lists, there's no reason for it. Plus the whole house is already spotless.

While I'm wipping down the 'dirty' windows, I hear an annoying shrill that was used to call my name.

I run up the stairs and see Candace my other stepsister, in her room stressed out.

As soon as I step inside her room to ask what happened, she spots me then starts screaming.

"Where is my make up bag, it was just right here and now it's gone"! She says. "Chillax dude it's probably in your bathroom," I say calmly because this isn't the first time it has happened.

The last time this happened, her make up bag was on the other side of her bed, and yet she still blammed it on me even though I was in my room the whole time finishing last minute homework.

"Did you check your bed maybe you just-" I start to ask, but she cuts me off mid sentence.

"Yes I checked my bed it was just he- Oh.." And to my surprise she found it under her blanket, hint the sarcasm.

"Here's a tip Candace, Next time when you lose your big fat make up bag, try to look everywhere first before you scream like a banshee," I say while giving her an annoyed look.

She just glares at me then stomps out of her room like the brat she is.

After that 'incident', I finished my duties and went upstairs to my room.

When I got to my room, I ran and got my laptop quickly typing in when One Direction would be coming to California. If you asked me if I liked One Direction, I would say no because it's kind of embarassing considering the fact that I'm not a super girly girl.

The only person who knows is my best friend Emily and she also is a fan, so we kind of secretly fan girl together.

Anyway, while I was looking at when they were coming I saw that they will be coming two months from now in October. As I look at the prices I scream because I think I could acually go to their concerts for once. I have at least a third of the money to get good seats and maybe, just maybe backstage passes . I need to call Emily.

"Comon pick up, pick up ,"I say to the phone rushed. When she picks up I answer immediatley.

"Hel-," She starts to say, but I interrupt her. "Hello!?" I ask/ kind of yell. Opps..

"Ow okay Kayla what did I tell you before? Please do not yell in my ear," she pleads.

"Sorry it's just really important," I tell her. "What could be so important that you-" She begins to speak, but i interrupt her, again..

"Guess what! No wait don't guess, One Direction is coming here in two months!" I shout, but not too loud. "No way are you serious?" She asks even though she knows it's the truth.

"Yes! Ask your mom if you can go," I tell her. Her mom is pretty cool that's why it's like my second home because I spend most of my free time over there. I here some moving in the back round then ask her what the answer is before she even gets to speak.

"What did she say?" I ask her as soon as she's back on the phone."She said yes, I can go!" And with that we both scream.

"Wait what about your stepmother, you and I both know how strict she is when it comes to you doing something fun." Emily says reminding me about that.

"That's why I won't tell her," I smirk. "You're smirking right, I can almost hear it in your voice," She says laughing. "Yup." Then after that we talk about other crazy things that happend over the summer break while she was away with her family on a trip to Mexico, and while I stayed home for most of the time.

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