Chapter 6: One call for help, but no one listened

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DIA/Lorra is now at her base, the abandoned DIA software, lookign for victims to hack.

Gahata Meiji, a young witch UTAU, who fears being hacked, arrives

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Gahata Meiji, a young witch UTAU, who fears being hacked, arrives.
"Miss DIA. I caught some rebel VOCALOID and UTAU." Meiji said, doing a curtsy. "What shall we do with them?"

DIA/Lorra came up with an idea.

<VOCALOID who must be hacked first: Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len, Hatsune Miku and SF-A2 Miki>
<Next VOCALOID and UTAU to be hacked: Kasane Teto, Yamine Renri, Fukase and Yan He.>
<Spared VOCALOID: Utatane Piko>

Lorra/DIA gave Meiji the notes for who will be hacked, which was everyone except Piko.

Meiji felt shocked to see the results. "Teto and Renri too?" She thought to herself. "And only Utatane must be spared?"

DIA/Lorra just looked at Meiji with "Soulless eyes".

"O...of course, Miss DIA." Meiji said, shocked about the notes and terrified she may be next. "We will now go to the prisoners chamber."

DIA/Lorra smiled to herself, she was planning to betray Meiji and hack everyone excpet her and Piko.

Meanwhille in the prisoners chambers, Teto woke up.

"Ugh... where am I?" She looked around. "What a way to wake up..." Teto was going to stretch her arms, but she couldn't. Her wrists were tied behind her back with rope. "What the?! Since when were my arms like this?!"

"Unfortunately, we all woke up like this..." Rana, who had woken up a while ago and noticed her colorless body, told her the truth. "Except for Piko. The captor would have shut him up if he was tied up."

"I can't believe Piko gets to be the lucky one!" Rin pouted.

"Be glad he hasn't woken up yet." Len frowned.

"How are you feeling, Rana?" Fukase looked at Rana, worried.

"What do you think?" Rana looked at him with a "are you serious?" face.

"Gray." Everyone, except Piko and Rana (the former was still unconscious) answered.

Piko woke up last due to not noticing anything.

"What time is it?" He asked, rubbing his eyes.

"It's about time you woke up!!!" Miku was surprisedly upset to see Piko woke up last.

Suddenly, the door opens.

"There they are, Miss DIA..." Meiji showed DIA/Lorra the prisoners.

A huge silence occured.

"Miss DIA? Are you ok?" Meiji started worrying about DIA/Lorra.

However, DIA/Lorra smiled to herself and shoved Meiji into the ground, causing her to scream in pain.

"MEIJI!!!" Renri screamed in horror.

<Initiating Hacking Sequence>
<Now Hacking: Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len and SF-A2 Miki>

DIA/Lorra fired 4 rays of 0 and 1, one at Miku, one at Rin, one at Len and one at Miki.

"STOP!!! PLEASE!!!" Piko screamed in horror as he stared at his friends being hacked and screaming in pain.

DIA/Lorra ignored Piko's pleads and continued her job.

<Now Hacking: Yan He, Yamine Renri, Kasane Teto and Fukase>

DIA/Lorra fires more 0 and 1 rays. One at Yanhe, one at Teto, one at Renri and one at Fukase.

Piko and Rana could only stare in horror as their friends were hacked one by one.

Miku was hacked into losing her memories of her Crypton friends helping her. Rin and Len were hacked into... becoming one person, due to them being mirror images. Miki loses her feelings and becomes a robot. Teto loses her chimera powers. Renri also loses her voice. Yanhe becomes colorblind and Fukase turns from red to blue.

"Oh no..." Meiji saw as they were hacked and only Piko was spared. "This cam't be happenimg..."

Lorra smiled to herself and walked away from the scene.


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