A Tokyo Ghoul crossover with FNAF

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You sat in your room feeling your stomach growling in pain. It's been the longest of time since you have eaten anything. Burgers, fries, pizza, nope. Absolutely nothing for the past couple of years. Then again, you couldn't even eat them if you tried. Being a ghoul does that to you...So you resorted to eating parts of yourself every now and then. Of course it was revolting, and painful, but you had to do it to survive.

Hey mate Foxy here

Finally made it don't you fear.

I'm here to tell you all my tales

but someone is approaching near

Usually you were tested on every day, probed with syringes, even cut open every now and then...

So you've grown to learn that if no tests are run, then something's wrong. You slowly gazed at the camera watching you with your one ghoul eye, the other eye was covered up by an eye patch. You then slowly stood, listening as the cries of the guards were heard throughout the building. Now is your chance. You slowly walked towards the heavily locked doors. You never truly embraced your ghoul side before, guess now's the perfect time.

I prefer to be alone

in my dark pirate cove,

but every now and again

I jump right out and then...

Go for the guard

who just sits in the room

with no doors and no lights

I will spell out his doom

but why do I find this pleasure in fright?

I guess that what happens when you don't see the light

You burst the doors from it's hinges as your hook like kagune struck them. You then walked into the room, where your guard stood holding a quinque in his shaky hands. Before he could attack your kagune slashed across his stomach, splitting him in half. You then leaned over the corpse as you started to devour him to satisfy your ever growing hunger.

Your first intentional kill......thought it would be more dramatizing.......whatever..

You saw your fox-faced mask lying on it's side on the desk. You stared at it for a bit, before placing it on your face. You then walked out of your room for the first time in years, quietly humming in pleasure.

I just hide in the shadows

this is a prison to me

how I'd love to get out

just so I could be free

so I could be free


You walked through the hallways littered with the bodies of human guards and cloaked ghouls. There was a human here and there that you swiftly disposed of.

"Hey! Who are you!?" You turned to the person who had blue hair and a black cloak and mask. You stayed silent as the ghoul approached you, with his kagune activated.

"Oi, brat! Did you hear me?" You stared at him with your one ghoul eye, as it practically glowed with annoyance.

"I only want to leave......" The ghoul growled as he tried to hit you with his kagune, but was swiftly blocked by your own. His eyes widened as you hit him back. As he was distracted by your attack you ran into the shadows. He recovered quickly before looking for you.

"Dammit, where did you go?" He looked around for a bit before someone called his name.

"Ayato." He turned to face the white haired ghoul Kaneki.

"He's the one that we've been talking about.." Ayato's eyes widened a fraction before creating a small 'tch'.

"He better do what you say he'll do.." Kaneki nodded as he looked in the direction that you came from, before looking down at the photo in his hands, Showing six children with smiles on their faces.

Hey mate Foxy here

Finally made it don't you fear.

I'm here to tell you all my tales

but someone is approaching near

You ran until you came onto a massive room littered with the bodies of both ghouls and humans. You sniffed the air looking for a familiar scent.

"Where are they?" You mumbled to yourself before sprinting off in the direction that seemed the most familiar.

'They have to be here.' After all they were your main reason for living.

I prefer to be alone

in my dark pirate cove

but every now and again

I jump right out and then

I ask my mates if they want to escape

and they say they do but not in the same way

well maybe I don't understand

but I'll do the best I can

to help them find a way

to see a brighter day

"(Y/n)!? Is that you!?" You stopped running as you faced someone with a bear mask on their face.

"Freddy?" The ghoul nodded as he approached you.

"I'm so glad you're safe." Freddy then approached you raising his hands for a hug, which you gladly accepted. You both pulled back as a scream echoed off the walls of the bloody prison.

"What about the others?" You only looked off into the distance.

"I'm not sure, but for now we need to escape..." Freddy nodded as he ran towards the door to his left.

"Come on let's leave this place!" You only stared at him in shock for a bit before following.

'That's not what I meant...'

Hey~ maybe I take escape

A bit too literally

but anyway that I can get out

I'll take it with no second thought

any ways a way for me

cause all my dreams are all I got

"Oh~ Some more ghouls~" Both you and Freddy stopped as you approached a teenager with white hair. Freddy growled at the smiling boy.

"Juuzou...." The boy smiled at Freddy as he raised his scythe like quinque.

"Hello again Fazbear~" He then charge forward towards the two of you, cutting through the air. Luckily the two of you dodged.

This is bad, neither of you are experienced in fighting like this kid is. You growled as you pushed Freddy through a door, before using your kagune to seal the door by bashing it into place. Freddy turned to face you through the glass on the door.

"(Y/n)!" You glared at Freddy as he tried to open the door, before facing Juuzou.

"Oh~ That's very brave of you, sacrificing yourself to save your friend. But it won't matter~ Hahaha!"

I just want to leave

I just want to be free

The dark has got a hold on me

So dark that I can barely see

I guess I'll wait it out to the end

since I have no where else to go

I'll take you to my den and


You slowly rose up from the ground, spitting a large amount of blood onto the floor.

"Oh, You're still alive?" Juuzou frowned as he watched your blood soaked body wobble back to your feet.

"Guess I'll just have some more fun-" His eyes widened as he looked into your eye.

Instead of the normal red in it, it glowed a threatening white. And you're body seemed to move more like a robot than a living being. And the smile on your face unnerved him.

You let out a mechanical screech as you charged at unknown speeds, sending him through a wall, leaving him unconscious.

I ask my mates if they want to escape

and they say they do but not in the same way

well maybe I don't understand

but I'll do the best I can

to help them find a way

to see a brighter day

You smelled the air as you stood over the boy, the scent emitting from the room entered your nose, causing your eyes to widen. You left the boy as you walked into the room.

The walls were stained with blood...her blood..

'Mangle...' You sniffed the air once more before turning to a hole in the wall that you didn't make. You smirked.

'No-one can hold that lass can they?' You then went through the door, following the blood trail on the ceiling and walls. Hopefully you can meet back up with Freddy, but for now he is safe.

Hey~ maybe I take escape

A bit too literally

but anyway that I can get out

I'll take it with no second thought

any ways a way for me

cause all my dreams are all I got

You eventually stumbled upon a giant room, which you could only assume was the main room. You sniffed the air, smelling more than one familiar scent. Your eye changed to its white color as a ghoul investigator hit you on the back with their quinque.

You turned around facing the black haired and black eyed man, noticing the girl far behind him crippled for the moment. You glared silently at the man.

"Amon." He growled at you before trying to attack you again, but was interrupted by a massive crash from the center of the room. You both turned to face the creature that fell from the sky, your eye widened.

'One eyed owl...' It turned to face you, a sinister smile on it's face.

"Foxy~" It's feminine voice sounded out from the mouth of the beast, as it slowly stalked over to you and Amon. Amon yelled as he charged at her, but was was sent flying by merely a slap from her.

Of course it wouldn't kill him, but it would severely injure him. But right now, you needed to pay attention to the ghoul in front of you. And as she got closer, her scent entered your nose, causing you to take a fighting stance.

"Where is Mangle?" She laughed as she got closer. A small figure popped up from behind her, a ghostly mask sat upon their face. Tears running down his face, and a dark smile on his face.

"Don't worry, she's fine." He hummed happily. You could only stare at your old friend, his demeanor was completely changed from when you last saw the lad.

"Marionette?" You chose to call him by his ghoul name in case any more trouble arrises. He tilted his head in satisfaction as he reached out a fragile hand.

"Come foxy, become one of us, and we'll find our friends." You stared for a second before grasping your friends hand.

"Smart decision~"

All my dreams are all I got  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2017 ⏰

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