I don't know if anybody is reading this hopefuly not
I honesly need somewhat to rant to but my freind curetly are either sleping or at school
So i came here to rant about the other two people i made this accout with you may be asking why well
Wen i first startet wattpad i follow this person named FairyFox111 (ther curetly know as nix or something)i adored that person and later became freinds with them they later introdust me to their freind alfy we made a group accont togherther few monts later
Both of them started ingnoring me and shit i was like well maybe their busy well i was wrong fairy ingord me me being me feeld realy bad and shit since i thot i did something wrongIf fairy/nix or alfy see this
I wanna know why did you ingnore me
Did i do somthing wrong :(