Chapter 6- Tears And Lace Dresses.

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Chapter 6

I sat at the huge table in the captains quarters wrapped up in a huge robe that swallowed me whole! I looked at my plate full of food, about to vomit. I had found after eating just a few bites that my stomach was unwilling to eat. It resented the food, even though it was good, and it threatened to make it all start to come back up. I placed a hand on it over the robe, and took a drink of wine.

I breathed in deeply, trying to make my stomach take the food, but it lurched and spun almost sending me running to the bathroom. Both the captain and Christian ate with me, but neither of them really ate either, they both just watched me very carefully like I was going to fall over dead or something. I sighed and picked up a piece of toast, choosing to cut a corner off and try to swallow it, but it was as if when I swallowed it; it grew three times in size and didn’t want to go down my throat. I took another dink of wine, and forced it down, but after than I couldn’t eat anything else.

“I can’t eat anything else…” I whispered. Tears stung my eyes when I said it, and it felt as though the toast was still stuck in my throat. Here I was with a mountain of food, and not eating hardly any of it; and Jonathan had died having stolen only a bite of an apple. I looked over at the dress that Christian had chosen for me. It was a crisp blue with a slit up the skirt and billowing white ruffles pouring out of the slit, around the bottom, and around the low neck line. The sleeves were long, and over the blue was a layer of sheer lace. It was a Stunning dress. The corset on the ship was a plain thing, with nothing extra.

“Christian will help you put it on, but be quick about it because we are about to arrive.” The captain said as he stood from the table and walked from the room.

“No, I can manage.” I said standing from my chair too. The captain reached the door before he turned around and looked at me an exasperated look in his eyes.

“Your skin is so tender you can hardly move, either Christian is going to help you, or I am.” He said looking at me with slightly amused ocean blue eyes.

“I can manage just fine; I don’t need either of your help.” I said getting a little frustrated.

He just looked at me with that annoying knowing and exasperated look. I put my hands on my hips and returned the look, but dropped my arms when my arms brushed against the cloth. How on earth was I going to change clothes I could hardly move around! Who would have thought that the sun could actually burn someone, it was always too cold where I came from for the sun to even really warm anything let alone burn your skin!

Apparently this mental bombardment was obvious on my face, because the captain grinned at me as I slowly came to the conclusion that I was actually going to need help to get that dress on my body. I sighed and rolled my weight onto one of my hips so I at least looked like I was going to be stubborn. " Christian, why don't you go and make sure that all the men are still working, because you know better than I do that they are all lazy drunks!" The captain said looking away from me , and to christian.

"um, and tell the cook that his food was wonderful!" I called after him as he left the room. He turned around at the door, and smiled at me mischeviously. Then he darted up teh stairs, and out onto the deck of the ship. I could just hear him yelling at someone on the ship when the door closed. I brought my attention back to the captain who had walked over to where the dress was hanging up, and was fingering a piece of lace between his fingers.

"He always was more attached to you." The captain said. I frowned at him frustrated again by the fact that I don't know his name.

"Please tell me your name!" I begged. "Please, I think it is ludicrous that I don't know it, plus I kinda think you owe it to me." I said with finality. I mean he had drug me through hell and then back then dumped me on the doorstep of the devil and tied me to the knocker! He killed my father (Which I was going to get him for that), He kidnapped me, He tied me to a chair for weeks and didn't feed me hardly anything, then he made Christian kill someone, and he made me watch, he let me get fried out in that blistering sun! Lord, I at least deserved to know his name!!

"No, you can guess it, or you will be able to." He said as he left the dress, and walked over to me. "Why don't you give it a try?" He smiled and tapped my nose making me blink a few times slightly startled. Then I raised one eyebrow slightly confused. Was he honestly flirting with me? Cuz, I had never had any experience with anything of that sort, but that was just weird. What would make him think that I was even slightly interested in him at all. I watched him watch me, then looked away embarrassed.

"Charles..." I said, although it sounded more like a question. He laughed, and shook his head. "Andrew." Again I got a no. The captain walked over to the dress and pulled it off the hook that it hung from. He gestured for me to take off my robe. I couldn't believe he expected me to just stand here in my under clothes and let him help me put on this dress, but here I was taking off teh robe, ever so gently as to keep it from touching my fried skin as little as possible.

To his credit he made it as un-embarrassing as possible. He was better at lacing up the back of the dress than any other maid I had ever had, and he tried to keep it from touching the burnt areas of my body as much as possible. "Keep trying to guess!" He said when the silence between us became slightly awkward.

"Philip?" I asked.

"Nope." He said as he pulled on another lace at the back of the dress.

"James?" I guessed again. All I got in response was a laugh. I guess that was a no...

"Gosh, What are you rumplestilskin?" I asked exasperated. "Just tell me!"

He tied off my dress at the top and then came to stand in front of me. "Christian has good taste..." He looked me up and down, making me blush slightly.

"Hmm." I said not really paying attention. The necklace around my neck became ice cold all of the sudden raising bumps on my skin, and causing me to shiver. I grabbed it and looked at the stone hanging from the beautiful chain. I noticed that all the blisters on my arms were gone too, and further investigation told me that all the other burnt areas were too.

"Convenient, it does that AFTER I put on your dress." He said sounding exasperated. I just laughed and sighed thinking of my father.  "What are you thinking about?" He asked brushing a strand of my hair behind my ear.  I rubbed my fingers up and down my palm and bit my lip a little. Anger was bubbling up inside me, and I was just able to hold it back. "What is it?" He questioned.

I slashed my hand through the air to smack him, but he caught my wrist. "I can't believe you!" I swung my other hand at him, but he caught it too.

"You can't believe what? That I wont let you smack me in the face! It seems perfectly reasionable to me!" He said looking at me with wide eyes clearly confused.

I screamed in his face in frustration and anger, and sadness. "You killed him!" I cried. I choked slightly and slid to the floor sobbing.

"Who?" He asked me still holding both of my hands captive.

I screamed again in greiff and just cried. "I didn't kill your father."

Unbelievable. I mean do I look stupid? Actually I probably do laying in the floor crying my eyes out in this beautiful dress. He lifted me up off the floor, and held me in his arms and just let me cry. My whole being wanted to kill him, but he just sat there with me and held me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2012 ⏰

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