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Kaitlyn's POV

I listen to Mr. Renz go on and on about how important the NAACP was to the Civil Rights movement and internally groan. Not to mention, the brown-haired boy next to me won't stop staring at me. I'm starting to think he's some sort of rapist...

"Seriously, take a picture. It'll last longer." I sass, rolling my eyes.

"Mmm feisty, I like it." I turn to look at him and see a smirk, ruining his handsome features.

He has brown hair, light brown eyes, a sharp jawline, and there's not a speck of acne on his skin. Looking gown at his body, I can see his biceps and the outline of abs through his tight black t-shirt.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." he says in a girly voice, mocking me.

"Are you always this annoying?"

"Not a fan, I see." he chuckles.

"I had to deal with you staring at me the whole class period on top of Mr. Renz annoying ass voice."

"Yeah Brian is quite annoying. He talks about the most irrelevant things that ever happened in history." he chuckles, making me half-smile.

Is he saying the Civil Rights Movement is irrelevant? Because it's not!

"Mr. Renz' first name is Brian?!" I laugh.

"Yep, suits his dull personality."

"Oh my god! That's great!" I laugh aggressively at the fact that Mr. Renz' name is Brian, because it does in fact suit his personality. Brian is literally one of the most basic, white, male names out there.

I gotta admit, this dude's not too bad.. he's pretty funny.

"So what's your name? I missed your introduction because that blonde slut was bothering me." he laughs, pointing at a girl behind him.

Hey! That's the girl who pointed me in the wrong direction of this class!

"I'm Kaitlyn, you?"

"Shawn. I'm more of a hug guy, or maybe if you wanted, a make out guy," he smirks, "but we can't just hug in the middle of class so it's nice to meet you." he flashes me a charming smile that I'm sure all the girls fall for and holds his hand out for me to shake.

"Shawn," I say, trying it out. "Nice to meet you." I smile.

"Hey so, I know we just met but do you wanna sit with my friends and I at lunch?"

"Uhh I don't know, if I don't find anyone better," I wink. "Then I'll hit you up."

He glares at me for a moment. "Okay, fine. Here's my number." he hands me a slip of paper with a series of numbers on it and at the bottom it says "Shawn :)".

"Um okay." I laugh nervously.

"Seriously, call me. Let's make out sometime." he winks.

"And to think I was actually starting to believe you weren't like that." I roll my eyes.

"Like what?"

"You know, like a fuckboy.."

He frowns.

"I think of it more as... having fun."

I sigh. "Well we can be friends but i'm not having sex with you."

"You will eventually babygirl." he winks.

I roll my eyes. "Whatever, I'll probably sit somewhere else for lunch, but thanks for the offer anyway." I say, hearing the bell finally ring.

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