The Collab Part 1

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   " Emily! This is serious! What am I supposed to wear? " I yelled at my computer. 

   I was on Skype with Emily to ask what I should wear for the collab video with Colby. She usually had the best fashion ideas. 

   Today the boys and I had decided to do the " wet head challenge, " so I needed to find something that will still be good to wear wet. 

   " I need to look good, but I'm going to get wet so... " I told her, playing with my nails. 

   " Haha, wet! Of course you're going to get wet! You'll be right next to Colby! " Emily laughed, disappearing from the view of the camera on her computer as she fell off her seat. 

   " You sick pervert! " I joked. " Yeah, I'll get wet. From the challenge though! " 

   " You mean, moist.  " Emily giggled, sitting back on her chair. 

   " Ew Ems. Don't ever say that again. " I cringed. 

   " Fine. Wear some jeans and a crop top. There, happy? " She said. 

   " Yep! Thanks, bye! " I said, waving at the computer.  

   " Bye! Don't forget to use protection, girl! " She joked. 

   " Jesus Christ. Bye! " 

   I logged off of Skype and went into my closet to get changed. After doing the famous skinny jeans dance, I went to the kitchen to grab some food to tame my wild stomach. 

   I ordered some pepperoni pizza and watched impractical jokes while I waited, and soon I got a text from Colby. 


( Texting ) 

C: Hey! You are still coming at 12, right?

S: Yep. Why?

C: Nothing important. Just another person may be joining us today. 

S: Kewlio. At least I won't be alone with you weirdos.  

C: And I thought you liked us weirdos. 

S: Whatever you say weirdo. 

C: As long as I'm your weirdo. ^.^

S: Yeah, okay. Whatever helps you sleep at night. What's her name?

C: Jade. She seems a lot like you. :)

S: How so?

C: She has a channel on Youtube, she likes singing, you guys have a strong fan base, and you both are really pretty. 

S: Oh. Well, she does seem like me but...

C: What?

S: I'm not pretty. I'm smexy. * flips hair and hits some dude in the face. * 

C: Whatever you say " smexy. "  

S: Alright see ya at 12! 

C: Later babe. 


   God, he needs to stop calling me that. Before i have a heart attack from his cuteness at least. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2017 ⏰

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