Chapter 1- Visiting Daniel

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Finally just another day at Camp Campbell kids laughing, playing around, and doing their camp activities! David however loved his job although he was wondering if Daniel is okay after what happened three days ago when he drinked that bad kool-aid when they where having a music battle when David that jealousy about Daniel..., David went to go talk to Gwen about going to the hospital to check if Daniel was doing at least okay. You see David cares about everyone even if he didn't really get to know them well that is what makes David special at times even if things get rough,  even if it did David will always be there to cheer you up even if he doesn't understand what's the problem no matter what David will be your shoulder to cry on "Are you sure David? He was trying to kill everyone in our camp..." Gwen said as she crossed her arms "Yes Gwen, besides I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding...he didn't know what he was doing..."David said with a smile across his face  "Doubt that you fucking idiot" Max said as he walked up to Gwen and David,  "Max language!" David said as he looked at Max with a frown "Go suck a dick, misunderstanding my ass, he was trying to kill the entire camp!" Max said angerly  "I know Max but...—" Max started to interrupt David  "—I mean have you seen what he tried to do to everyone?! He brainwashed the entire camp! And you David you thought everyone was fucking happy!, I was trying to tell you that he was trying to kill us all! But nooo you where being such a fucking brainless moron!" Max yelled. "Max that's enough!" Gwen yelled. "No...Gwen hes right...I was bring a moron..." David said sadly "but I do believe in second chances" David said with conference as he stares at Max. "Whatever get yourself killed, I don't give a shit" Max said pissed and walks off with his hands inside his sweater  "Alright David, go get the keys from the cabin and go head off to visit Daniel, I'll take care of the rest of the campers here...just be careful okay?" she said with a sigh "Thank you Gwen, and I sure will be careful" David said as he smiles and hugs her as he then lets go to go to the cabin and get the keys and heads in the car, starts the engine, and starts driving to the hospital, once gwen saw him drive off she thought to her self "David you are just to kind..I swear" a few hours later David finally made it to the hospital and got inside, he went to go to the visit area and said to the nurse  "I'm here to visit Daniel" he said as he smiled. The nurse looks at him, she was surprised that David looked like Daniel but in a diffrent way as she then looked down and gathered her papers and gets up from her seat  "Right this way" she said as she leads David to the elevator and once they got in she clicked a button that has a number, the number was 4 so David guesses that Daniel must be in room 4 once the elevator got to room 4 they both got out of the elevator as the nurse leads David to room 414 she then looks at him  "this is Daniels room" she said  "Thank you so much" he said with a smile as the nurse only nods and leaves, once she did David opens the door and once he opened it the room was dark only showing a familiar dark figure sitting up on the hospital bed. "Daniel?" David said as the dark figure turns to see David  "David?...what are you doing here?..." Daniel said coldly as David turns on the lights to see Daniel clearly "well I'm here to visit you to see if you're okay" he said as Daniel stares at him in surprise "" David nods as he walks up to Daniel "why of course, geez Daniel you are saying it like no one visits you" he said as Daniel looks down at his own hands and frowns "thats because no one visits me...your the first one" he said as David walks closer to him, once he did Daniel looks up at David "then smile silly, be happy that someone visited you for once!" He said as Daniel stares into Davids eyes, his eyes where so full of life as Daniel started blushing anf starts to smile "there's the smile!" David said as Daniel blushes more  looks away "is this how it feels this how love feels like?...but why?....why David?...I...I don't understand... my body feels heart keeps raising.... why does it feel so....good? makes me want to gave More feelings? More what exactly... I just don't understand!",  "Daniel? Are you okay?" David said with a smile  "what?" He looked at David as he continues to blush "I said if you are okay"  David giggles  "o-oh yeah I'm okay, just thinking" he said as he rubs the back of his neck "if thats the case maybe you should come back at Campbell once you get better" he said as Daniel looked at him in surprise "r-really?...after what I've done to the other campers?....are you sure...?" He said as David nods "I believe in second chances, so of course I'm 100% sure!" David said as Daniel smiles warmly yet thankful "I...I never got a second chance before...thank you David" he said as David keeps smiling "I'm sure everyone will be happy to see you, but most of all I hope they will all give you a warm welcome once you come back to Camp Campbell" David said as he continues to smile "I hope do too David...I hope so too..." He said as he looks down at his own hands again as his smile fades just a little but still enough, David then pets Daniel just a bit "I believe that they will, and if I believe then you should believe too!"

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