Same Classes

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I stop singing after, "My power flurries through the air into the ground."

I look at Jack, mouthing the words, and he does the same. Mrs. Beyocemusic sees, and shouts, "What are you two doing?!"

Jack says, calmly, "My throat got dry, and started to sound bad for singing. I just need a drink of water."

She says, "Fine, get water. And Rapunzel?"

I stutter, trying to act calm, "I-I forgot th-the words..."

Mrs. Beyocemusic walks up and slaps my hands with a ruler. "Well then you can spend your lunch time memorizing it!"

Erica says, "How about she has to hide from me."

Erica hisses, and her claws coms out. Mrs. Beyocemusic says, "You can't be a herpie at school Erica."

Erica sinks into her chair, embarassed. I ask, "I could try and memorize it..."

Jack walks back in, and something on him made her get an idea. She grinned, "Sing Let it Go, and your healing song infront of the class. We dont have all day!"

Jack runs up, "Can I do this instead of her?"

"No!" the teacher snapped back, slapping Jack with a ruler.

I walk onto the small table she told me to. She mouths, Sing child.

I start to sing nervously, voice cracky, "The snow glows white on the mountain tonight not a footprint to be seen. A kingdom of isolation and it looks like I'm the queen. The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside couldnt keep it in Heaven knows I tried. Dont let them in dont let them see...."

I brush my hair back, and keep singing until, "I am one with the wind and sky."

Elsa breaks out singing, "her song." I glare, and start to sing over her, "Flower gleam and glow let your powers shine. Make the clock reverse bring back what once was mine. What once was mine."

I heard only Jack clapping, and then the teacher snapped "DETENTION!!!"

She pushed us out, with the rest of us. Jack started walking to Architect. I giggle, "I have architect."

He has a sparkle in his eye, and then says, "Me too."

We stop for a second, then pull out what we had for all seven classes. Jack and I had excactly the same classes. 1st, music. 2nd, architect, 3rd, art, 4th, Mr. Fincheymagic or math, 5th, lunch, 6th, study hall, 7th, study hall. I shout happyily, "We have the same classes!!!"

Magic Equals Opposites (Jack x Rapunzel)Where stories live. Discover now