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You know what I think is hard to imagine? The Universe.

The freakin' thing is so big.

In fact, the Universe isn't even a "thing". It's a place with no end.

Even as you picture the Universe, you must remember there is no end. It doesn't have boundaries. You aren't going to get on a rocket ship and go in a straight line and reach the end of the Universe. You would just keep going and going and going. It isn't even a circle, or a sphere, or any shape. Just endless. 

We live on a tiny little rock in the middle of nowhere.

For example. You know where you live. You know your street, your neighborhood, your town, your city, your state, your country, your continent, your planet, your solar system. But after that, there is nothing surrounding you. Just empty space filled with balls of gas and other planets.

Who knows how many planets are out there too. Endless. Endless planets. Endless moons and suns.


And while lots of people say, "Oh, there is no other life out there because we haven't found it." It is not impossible or irrational to consider that life may be somewhere else out there.

We are a tiny blip in our planet's timeline. Imagine how insignificant we are compared to the Universe. Anything could have been established before us. Anything.

I mean seriously.

There is so much space outside of our tiny little planet that you cannot just say there is no life outside of our solar system. Because that may not be entirely true. Any planets that are unsustainable for humans, may be sustainable for something else. 

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