chapter 26

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Dew,Cober I want you to take care of lux and lex I said

Yes sir the two said excitedly knowing them they might be happy for some action.

Sir what do I do Jinx asked walking towards me

Jinx stay out of trouble I said ruffeling her fur

Oh Jinx said disappointed

Alright team lets go I said as we jumped into action I took on the mysterious wolf first he was easy so I pushed him aside.
I looked everywhere for lanai but she was gone

Ha got you the mystery wolf smirked pining me down I then started struggeling but it was no use.

Jet let him go Jinx suddenly yelled tackling the wolf know as jet to the ground.

The two soon started fighting I then started searching threw the forest for lanai but to avail I went back to the training area but no one was there.

(Jinx's pov)

Face it Jet I'm stronger than I growled loaming over the mixed breed who was on the verge of death.

We decided to split up so we couldn't get in each others way that was a mistake

I had corned Jet near a cliff side that was also near the moon tribe

I then grabed onto Jet's leg and threw him off

I waited for awhile until I heard a crack he was dead maybe.

He's pathetic don't you think dear Lanai smirkerd scaring Jinx

Shut up fleabag I growled almost scratching her but she dodged it

Now,now Jinx is that how you treat your birth mother Lanai said circling me.

What do you want from me I cried

It's nothing special I just want your soul thats all Lanai said

For what I asked confused

To bring back the three most powerful wolves of course Lanai said.

I won't let that happen Forest yelled headbutting Lanai

The two soon started fighting again as I stood there shocked

Who are the three powerful wolves and what does she want from me I thought.

JINX WATCH OUT forest suddenly yelled putting me out of my thoughts

A beam of light was heading towardd me I could of dodged it but I somehow couldn't move from my spot.

The blast never came I slowly opened my eyes to see Dia infront of me

Dia I cried as he fell to the floor in pain

Don't worry about your big bro lil sis Dia said coughing up blood.

DIA koda yelled running towards us

I didn't know what to do

Dia is going to die if I don't do something.

Mom take it I said suddenly making them stop fighting

Jinx's you don't have to do it Koda cried

Shut up I growled glaring at my big brother

I felt powerless when Lanai started sucking my soul out of my body.

Forest do something Koda cried

It happened so fast forest quickly tackled Lanai but it was to late she already took my soul.
I then saw a figure appear in front of me I slowly walked towards the figure but collapsed.

The three powerful wolves are Koda,Dia,and Jinx they were the ancestors of Artemis the moon tribe leader.

Who's telling me this

Jinx you and your brothers are the chosen ones fulfil your duties as the chosen ones.

But how I don't have my soul anymore

I'll help you then

But who are you I asked

I'm the golden wolf the voice said.

I opened my eyes to see a yellow figure appear in front of me

The figure then walked towards my brothers somehow Koda didn't notice because he was watching forest and lanai fight.

I then noticed the figure that came out of my soul I looked closer to see a light grey pup

Who is he

He's haf of your soul the golden figure said walking towards me with Koda and Dia behind him.

Meaning I said confused

Thats your pup

Wolf tribes (Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now