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Yoongi had accepted it he was mated and had a pup on the way yes but Yoongi wasn't willing to change and thus only visited Jimin when necessary.

Yoongi visited every other week and it hurt Jimin to know that Yoongi's work comes before him and the pup but at the same time what was Jimin to say about the lack of attention making it out this first trimester was difficult with the added stress of not being able to see his mate for long periods of time.

He was showing now so it was about time he tell his jams that he was pregnant.

"Should I take a pregnancy picture?" He asked his manager when he walked into the room to check up on him "Jimin that's a good idea let's have a pregnancy photoshoot" jimin smiled with a giggle "I just wanted to reveal I'm pregnant not have a whole photoshoot but i guess its fine as long as Yoongi is there" The manager was texting on his phone typing exactly what Jimin had said down "Okay Bang PD of Big hit said you'll have the shoot in 4 days.

When the time came for the shoot jimin and his manager had arrived at a beautiful white building that was even more amazing on the inside colors bright and blind but at the same time aestheticly pleasing to the eyes. Jimin's sensitive nose had caught a wiff of Yoongi and now the boy was looking for him . Jimin waddled quickly in the direction of his mates smell and when Yoongi came in sight Jimin smiled running to him and wrapped his arms around the male's torso "Alpha its been to long I've missed you so much" A hand patted his head and Jimin smiled looking up into dark eyes.

"I didn't think you would come take pictures with us" Jimin says referring to himself and the pup. Yoongi looked down jimin and could see the swell of his stomach clearly "you're both mine what makes you think I would let my omega walking around pupped and seemingly unspoken for" his voice was chilled as he and his alpha had taken offense to Jimin's words.

Jimin held Yoongi's hand as their makeup was done. The beta woman that was doing Jimin's makeup cooed at him everyonce and awhile about how cute he would look but the woman doing Yoongi's makeup wasnt as nice she was an omega her shirt alittle to tight neck line a little to low she had her neck bared the entire time and was expelling a heavy amount of pheromone into the air.

The smell was much to bitter unlike when Yoongi tended to release a rustic scent of black coffee mixed into the wet honey smell that he held but it was almost sour like a lemon that hadnt even reached full ripeness. It nipped Jimin's nose and his stomach churned nausea flowing through him "Miss can you please stop releasing pheromones i cant handle them in this state" Jimin says politely opening his eye as the beta woman puts the finishing touches to his rosy cheeks. When Jimin had the chance to look over he saw that his alpha was asleep seemingly dead to the world the omegan woman continued to flood the air with her pheromones and her hands lingered on the sleeping man's face longer than normal. His make up was done so the beta woman left "Yoongi" Jimin called squeezing the alpha's hand trying to wake him only to earn a smack to his hand by a closed eye-shadow palette.

The smack was followed by silence, a small whimper and then a growl. The woman had pulled away from the alpha as he growled at her while being half sleep, his grip had also tightened around Jimin's small hand to ensure his safety "You be been stinking up the room for more that thirty minutes and I'm sure youre done it doesnt take that long to cover up some blemishes" Yoongi said standing and pulling Jimin to his feet also.

The tension between them had calmed down and the omega woman was taken away as she could cause Jimin unnecessary stress. The setting for the photo shoot was almost like a fairytail surrounding by clouds and flowers all the colors soft. Jimin was wearing a loose white blouse that emphasized his growing baby bump. Yoongi was also wearing white, his shirt a button up that hung loose on his frame. Both alpha and omega looked as if they had stepped out a fairytale book, looking truly magical.

The first few shots were only of Jimin and Yoongi's hands resting over the swell of Jimin's stomach. At first the company didn't want to have full body shots of the two not exactly sure what feedback they would receive from fans but they quickly changed their minds when a sleepy Yoongi rested his he'd in Jimin's shoulder and they swayed slightly back and forth waiting for the next shot to be taken. It was beautiful and so natural as Jimin and Yoongi interacted almost unaware of their surroundings, Yoongi placing soft kisses on Jimin's mating mark and his hands rubbing small circles around his stomach. Each shot was domestic and it seemed as if the pair had know each other for years and fell in love at first sight.

Jimin was lucky that the incident with the makeup artist had happened letting Yoongi's wolf take over for some time and even coming to stay at his apartment with him to scent some new clothes and cover's jimin had bought. "Alpha we have to post a teaser picture" Jimin said looking down at Yoongi who was using his thighs as a pillow. "Why?" was Yoongi's reply as he cracked his eyes open to look up at jimin and he pushed his nose against the younger's belly. "I have to announce the interview somehow we can't just tell people to read the article without them having some thing to look forward to" Jimin said scrolling through the pictures his manager had sent him "They said we can't use while body shots so these are mostly of our hands" Jimin says showing Yoongi the phone who took it in his hands and scrolled "This one is cute" Yoongi says going to post a picture to Jimin's Instagram, "No we can't use that one my hands look really small there you chan hardly see them" Jimin said going to snatch the phone. "Too late Jimin its already done" Yoongi says waving the phone in his face the post loading screen in his face.

Jimin took the phone to see that no one had liked the picture yet so he was okay but than he read the caption 'The Alpha here posting without permission, this is my little min and my littlest min find out more from our interview w/ singles magazine'
Yoongi had drifted to sleep but Jimin couldn't help but smile at him whispering a soft "You're our big Min"

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