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The Utensil Society

Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts


Sora kept holding onto Goofy's hand, but it was no use. The portal kept pulling him in.

"No! Sora!"

Donald cried out in fear. But there was nothing he could do. He just stood there, frozen in shock, wondering what he should do.

Just then, a mysterious voice began to call out to the trio.

"Release us..." The voice sounded like a girl's voice, as indicated by its softness.

Sora's eyes widened, and the hairs on the back of his neck began to stand up.

"Release us from the darkness that breaks us, and bring unto us the light that shall free us..."

Soon, the force pulling Sora became stronger. It became so powerful that Goofy could barely keep his feet on the ground, let alone pull Sora to safety.

"Hold on, Sora! We'll save you!" Donald cried. But it was all in vain. In just a few seconds, the portal began to pull Goofy in as well!

"No you won't!" Donald screamed angrily. "Not him too!" Brandishing his wand, Donald uttered a spell.


At once, Magnera was cast and began to pull the trio away from harm and into safety. Slowly, Sora and Goofy hovered away from the portal and into Donald's Magnera...

However, at that instant, a blue beam of light emerged from the portal and destroyed Donald's spell, undoing the gravitational pull it had on Sora and Goofy.

At this point, Sora swore he must have been hallucinating. For no sooner was the Magnera destroyed did he hear a growling noise come from the portal, almost like it was alive.

It almost reminded him of a beast.

The portal increased in strength once more, pulling Donald inside as well. Eventually, all three of the junior heroes were pulled into the portal, beginning to lose consciousness in the process.

Before his eyes closed completely, Sora thought back to how all this had happened, how his stupidity had gotten them into danger of epic proportions.



Sora, Donald and Goofy were walking along the streets of Hollow Bastion. It had been three weeks since they defeated Ansem and stopped the massive Heartless invasion. In that time, they lost contact with Riku and the King, who they had last seen behind the door of darkness. Now they were searching the worlds in order to find their friends, no matter how long it took.

Their travels eventually brought them here, to Hollow Bastion, hoping to ask their friends for help.

Sora eventually spotted Leon. He was just standing next to the water fountain having a drink.

"Hey! Leon!" He called out to the swordsman.

Leon glanced over to the trio. Turning off the water fountain, he motioned for them to walk over to him. When they were in front of him, he greeted them.

"Hey. Long time no see."

Sora smiled and nodded. They hadn't seen him since they had closed the Keyhole in Hollow Bastion. It was nice to see him again.

"It's good to know you're alright!" Sora clenched his fist and looked down. "At least... you're safe."

Raising an eyebrow, Leon put a hand on the boy's shoulder. "What's the matter?"

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