Tiny Tim, Last of the Sporks

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The Utensil Society

Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts

Tiny Tim, Last of the Sporks

Eventually, the spork known as Tiny Tim brought the trio to his house. It was nighttime now, as evidenced by the dark shade of indigo the sky had taken. Upon close inspection, Sora was awestruck.

Tiny Tim's house looked like a giant kitchen drawer, complete with shelves and handles to boot. However, the drawers numbered about 50 or so, all stacked up one by one, reaching up towards the sky.

"Wow," Sora gaped, taking a step back. "It's almost like an..." Struggling to find the right word, he closed his eyes.

"...an apartment complex!" Sora snapped his fingers, as thought he had done something great. Since he had grown up on an island, Sora was kind of an idiot when it came to city life and architecture. Fortunately, he had actually paid attention in class for that one time in April, when they were learning about buildings in Architecture 101. Although why they were learning about architecture in a general, public middle school still remained a mystery to him to this day...

"Yup!" Tiny Tim nodded, bending his frame to do so. " I'm on drawer 45, so it might take a while to get up there..."

"That's okay!" Sora exclaimed, "Let's go!"

However, Donald grabbed his hand. "Can we have a word with you in private, Sora?"

"Um, I don't-" But Donald pulled him away anyway, and the three of them were huddled up in a group.

Getting right to the point, Donald whispered, "I don't think we can trust Tiny Tim, or anyone in this messed up place! Somehow I get the feeling we're hallucinating!"

Goofy scratched his head in confusion. "Ya mean we're... sleeping?"

"Yeah! And this has gotta be a dream! The Utensil Society? Spoons and forks that can fly! Knives that fly around with jet packs! Sporks! This is one adventure that's just ASKING for trouble!"

"It's not a dream!" Sora shook his head in defiance.

Goofy nodded his head. "Yeah! If this really was a dream, Sora wouldn't have lost the Keyblade at all! He woulda used it to take out those knives!"

Scoffing, Sora turned away. "You can always count on Goofy to make you feel better. Thanks a lot, PAL!" You could just sense the love and compassion oozing out of Sora's wide and self-pitying mouth.

With that, Sora coldly walked away from his two friends. Donald then pulled Goofy close and asked, "What got in his pants?"

Goofy shrugged. "I dunno; rats, maybe?"

Ignoring Goofy's obvious and unneccessary stupidity, Donald left as well...

Eventually, the four of them were in front of Tiny Tim's room, and once again, Sora, Donald and Goofy were blown away by its appearance. The door looked like a cupboard door, complete with a brass handle and hardwood panelling.

Sora put a hand to his forehead. If he was indeed hallucinating, this was the longest, most realistic and most detailed hallucination he had ever had.

Tiny Tim bent his frame once more and bowed to his new friends. "Come in! My cupboard is your cupboard!"

With that, Tiny Tim placed his head into the handle and pulled the door open. The door opened with a slight creak, and the trio was taken in by the strange aroma and the unnerving atmosphere.

Tiny Tim joined them, and the junior heroes began to look around. There wasnt much to see; since utensils needed no furniture, the room looked much more clean and open as a result. There were pictures of spoons and forks in the living room, though Sora couldn't tell who they were, or if they were male or female (did there even exist such a thing as gender in this world?). Apparently there was no TV, since utensils were incapable of holding a remote or changing a channel.

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