My Cold Boyfriend -Chapter 3 "This is Him"

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It takes long time to update >.< so sorry :( but I hope you can enjoy this chapter :)))

-My Cold Boyfriend Chapter 3-

I looked at Aaron who was standing on the staircase. “Aaron, you said you would wait in my room.”

“Yes,” he said as he walked towards me. “But the restaurant called me by phone and said they’ve arrived.” Finally, he stood right in front of me. “They just rang the door bell. Didn’t you hear,” he whispered to my left ear then walked away. I just stood there with a blank gaze. I was freezing.

After a couple of seconds, I finally turned around and looked at the door where he was standing, talking to a guy from the restaurant. “Alright. Thank you, dude,” I heard him yell to the guy. He took a few steps backward then closed the door and turned around. “Food is coming, sista!” he said, smiling widely at me. He walked towards me with two plastic bags of food in his hands. “Let’s go to the kitchen!” he said as he smiled widely.

I smiled slightly and followed him. “May I help you?” I asked him, giggling. I ran a little to keep up with him.

“Nah,” he said. “Just sit down and watch me serve food to you. You know how professional I am,” he grinned. I laughed even louder and sat down in front of him. I watched him serve the food gently. He turned around and caught me smiling at him. Shocked, I felt my face grow warmer. He walked towards me with a bowl of vegetables and a plate of steamed potatoes. “Eat this, my beautiful princess,” he said when he approached me.

I gasped. It took me a couple of seconds to realize that he was teasing me. I smiled slightly and began to eat them.

I was about to finish the food when suddenly brought up a conversation. One I wished we never had. “Scarlet, can I ask you something?” he asked, his voice trembling.

I looked at him and just nodded.

“Are you happy?” he asked me.

Again, I looked at him, a little longer this time. “Aaron, what are you talking about?” I asked him.

“Just tell me Scarlet. Are you happy? You know, you live in this big house alone.”

I smiled. “It doesn’t matter for me.” I sighed. “I have part time work so I spend most of my time outside. Also, I don’t feel alone,” I smiled brightly, just to make him believe my words.

“What about your boyfriend?” he asked me.

This time, I was stuck for a moment. “He’s nice to me,” I replied.

“Just nice?” he asked.

I looked down, hoping that he couldn’t read my expression.

“Speechless, huh?” he said. “If you aren’t happy then why are you with him?” he finally asked me the fatal question.

“I love him, Aaron.” I answered, about to cry.

“Who is he?”

“Richard is my classmate. He’s a nice guy in school. Everyone’s his friend and I.. I..” I couldn’t finish my sentence. I cried.

“Shh. Don’t cry,” Aaron’s voice softened. He put his hand on my back and pulled me closer to him.

Richard’s POV

After my last call with Scarlet, I couldn’t stop thinking about her. She might be hurting. Damn, why don’t I just love her the way she loves me?

I walked around my room, trying to find something interesting to do. When I saw a picture of me and Scarlet on my bedside table, my heart started beating faster. I walked toward it and took it from the table. We were both smiling in the picture. “Scarlet, I’m so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you,” I spoke to myself. I put the picture back and walked out of my room. I went to the kitchen, just to find if there was any food left.

I opened the fridge and found nothing to eat. I sighed and walked to the cabinet next to the fridge. I opened the cabinet wish I have some cereal left for me to eat. . I sighed and walked to the cabinet next to the fridge. I opened the wooden cabinet wish I have some cereal left for me to eat. I looked inside and found a sealed box of Koko Crunch. Thanks God, there’s something left for me to eat. So I just took it off from the cabinet and unsealed it. Just if she was here, I wouldn’t eat this stuff. Oh man! Richard what were you thinking? You have a girlfriend!

I poured the cereal into a bowl and realized that I didn't have even a bottle of milk left. I groaned then left the cereal on the table. I went to my room and fell asleep.

I heard something. What was that? It's not my alarm, neither was my phone. It was... my house's bell! I sat down and realized that it was already morning. I got up from the bed and got change. Then I run to the front door quickly. I opened up the door and I saw a brown hair guy. Who the hell was this guy? I looked at him up and down. "Umm.. Hi?"

"Hello Mr. Richard!" he replied. How could he knew my name?

And here it is the chapter 3!!!! :D

What do you think? I'll have holiday so maaybe I will update next chapter soon :)) hope you enjoy

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