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An immense force slams into my left side, I can't breathe. It's wet. Even with my sight absent, I am able to sense my hair flowing above my head. A burn creeps slowly into my lungs with flailing arms and kicking feet I attempt to reach the surface. However, I am weighted down. My long garments and bag full of medical supplies are too much, for a brief moment my hand breaches the surface before being enveloped in water once again. The burn develops into hot lava flowing through my lungs. With fingertips brushing the surface I grow desperate for oxygen.

A large hand clasps around my wrist and yanks my body upwards, after what felt like an eternity my lungs can be filled with oxygen once more. My body is thrown against my savior, Tommy. Smiling, I latch onto him tighter with ragged breaths. I latch onto this soldier like his wet clothes cling onto his skin. His hair sticks to his head as he adjusts his grip on my body. However, time is scarce the boat is tilting to the point of colliding with the platform. With all his effort he kicks his legs furiously to reach the support beams, the vessel is close, too close. A soldier grabs a hold of Tommy's hand and pulls him as I kick against the vessel to get out of the ship's crushing force. The platform creaks and moans as the vessel sinks against it and Tommy pushes my body towards the beam, assisting by putting his hands on my waist and lifting my exhausted body out of the water. A young man with dark curly hair helps Tommy out of the water, Tommy quietly thanks him and turns to the other soldier who assisted us. After he is thanked he nods with his short brown hair following.

Our eyes finally meet once more, his piercing green eyes envelopes me entirely. Taking his large calloused hand into mine, I simply smile and thank him for saving my life. Brushing my wet hair out of my face, the soldiers start ascending a small ladder and I attempt to do the same. However, the weight of my bag once again constrains my actions. Wordlessly, Tommy slips the bag off my aching shoulders and slips it on his own. After thanking him with a smile, I make my way up.

"We'll get you boys another ship" shouts the commander once I near earshot. Wet and desperate, the soldiers solemnly walk through the congested platform to the beach. The beach remains full of combat medics and nurses tending to the injured from the previous bombardment. Rows upon rows of deceased soldiers and medics are lined up and covered by a sheet of tarp, I wish to bury the dead as that would set my heart at ease.

The harsh wind stings my skin, my wet garments are punishing. Countless soldiers along with myself shudder as we trudge through the sand. The blue-lipped soldiers begin to settle down where the sand is dry and free of the deceased. Tommy stops at an empty spot and gestures for me to take a seat, quickly taking a seat after I have. And so the wait begins.

"Wait here" Tommy says in a low voice and then breaking into a jog building to a sprint opposite the water. The wind strikes at me once again causing my arms to wrap around my cold body, the soldiers have completely settled down on this cold beach but Tommy is no where in sight.

"Where's ya boy?" The soldier with short brown hair asks with his accent thick and British

"He's gone up there" Pointing up the beach, blushing at his words

"Oh..." the soldier nods "Alex" The soldier holds out his hand

"Kathy" I return the gesture with a smile

"You're an awfully young nurse"

"Churchill's desperate," I shrug "I know enough" Earning a chuckle from Alex, I smile up at him in return. Glancing upon his face, it is certain that Alex is a very handsome man underneath the dirt and ragged clothes. His haircut frames his face with perfection, his jawline prominent and his nose long. His round and soft eyes dart across the beach as if looking for escape.

Two hands skim across my shoulders with great precision as a weighty warm material hangs over my body

"Wouldn't want you getting ill now do we?" Instantly, I recognize the voice

"Thank you, Tommy" Nodding in return, he settles next to me with close proximity. Tommy's trembling hand reaches for mine, blue-lipped and shivering he mumbles "Cold" I envelope his icy hand with mine earning a sigh of relief. His hands tremble under mine, I lean in closer to offer more heat

"I never knew your name..."

"Is my tag invisible?" I smile reaching for my tag that is now missing "Oh... it's gone"

"Looks like you have to tell me"

"It's Kathy"

"Ah.." A growing smile of relief can be felt from Tommy, making me smile too. Tommy begins to shudder more frequently with a few escaping breaths of desperation. In response I run my hand along his arm until the warmth of my hand can no longer be felt.

In the distance, a few men struggle to stabilize the rowing boats. Tommy is bound to leave soon but I won't be joining him. Reaching for his warming hand, I hold onto it tightly as if letting it go would jeopardize his presence. A soldier beckons the shivering soldiers to climb aboard. Tommy smiles, standing up almost enthusiastically and brings me up to meet his level.

Tommy places his hand on my shoulder and guides me to a half filled rowing boat. Halting, I look up at him shaking my head

"I... can't go, Tommy. I have a duty here." Tommy frowns, his lips nearing my ear

"I can't leave you"

"I can't leave hundreds thousands of men on this beach unaided"

"Please..." his voice hoarse and his head shaking

"I..." he grabs my hand in desperation "I cannot..."

With shaking blue lips he takes my medical bag off his shoulders and places it on the wet sand and meets my gaze

"Take care of yourself, this isn't farewell." He reaches for my hand and softly squeezes turning to leave

"Tommy wait," He doesn't turn to face me, I drag Dave's dog tag over my head and place it into his shaking hand "it was Dave's" he clutches the piece of metal in his hand and silently walks away from me and into the boat. With his dark hair flowing in the wind, the boat departs. Tommy does not look back. I begin walking up the beach and away from the waters sweeping Tommy away from me.


I'm not sure people are enjoying this but I'm enjoying the writing process. I would love some feedback, thank you for reading!

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