Aunty Vera Knows!

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Van's pov :

Bridget did it again over breakfast. She sat me in a chair....Told me I was not to move, sit still. Look right at her. She pulled up a chair....Extended her two open wrists/arms to me, looked right into my eyes...."Van. Yes. I'll still stick to my plan. We will be friends. You will hold a place of that as my friend. But....But, as a friend, I need to offer something..." She went a bit pink in the cheeks.

"..We've of late been doing other stuff. So my "friendship" card's looking a tad stupid!.." She did a small giggle to her self, held my hands in her's. She had again had given me all that I needed to "Collect" her. Her word. I had looked into her eyes....She had extended the hand. This was a pure "giving"....The one gesture, at all times desired. Not saying, I've ever forced it on any one. Maybe, I might have done some fast-talking.....But (The person in question) did eventually come around to the idea (Once they knew, I wasn't going drain them to the bone!)

Bridget then, made a point of offering a drink, she pushed it into my hands...."Drink! We need to toast. We've had a moment!..." She picked up her coffee, clinked my drink. Winked at me. (Did she just wink at me!) I took a quick sip, food and drinks are great (Fill a space) But, the coffee tasted off......Then, it hit me! Fuuucck! Her blood!

She had all but completed my "Taking" of her. But.....What we needed was a "Bite". That part is important, I can ensure the specimen is connected to me, a bond can be shared.

Bridget looked at me......"Give me your hand..."

"..Bridge. Why? What are you thinking?!..."

"...Let me hold your hand. Van..." She moved her chair closer to mine, took my hand. I stalk people (Vamp thing).....But, I've never allow it from humans. Bridget was being very careful in her movements, it was like I should of guessed the next part (But...I wanted to watch it unfold!)

She held my hand, tapped it lightly with her finger tips (Felt nice!).......Then, she held my wrist flipped it to face her.....Rasied it. Bit down hard! My eyes shot open! There was instant pain (But, I can take that) I felt a sharpness (She doesn't have fangs) The bite lasted a full minute, I did try to pull away (But my wrist wanted this. I was frozen to the spot!)

Not with fear....But, slight shock. Which rapidly turned to, what's she gonna do next?! (Was this what Ivy tried to do to Silver?) But...I already knew this was waaaay different. Bridget released my wrist, I just stared at her a minute....."What was that?         Bridge?..." We both looked at my wrist, there was a definite bite....It was deep, and black (That's not going to go away!) Bridget gave me a proud look, then worried.....Then a scared look.

I pulled her close, hugged her. My wrist hurt like hell. She'd finished it. I had drawn her.....But, she had collected me! This was an arrangement beyond any agreements/deals/contracts/ownerships....Anything!

We are now standing on a "new" frontier! Buckle-up cowboys! The Wild West now has a new definition!


Bridget's pov :

Van assured me he was was fine. We bandaged his wrist. He bleed a little, but healed.....The bite mark remained. Turned it's self to a black scar, like a permanent tattoo. Van couldn't stop looking at me, I still looked like death warmed up.....But, I felt stronger. I kept telling him, it was because I was "his" now. Van grinned at me, shook his head....Gave me a small push (For old times sake) He then pulled me into his arms....."We're standing on new territory, Bridge. We need to keep our eyes open on this!.." We headed home.

Ivy met me at the door....."Mom's found something she dose not like! Bridget, your in trouble. She wants Van back to the Establishment..." Ivy had a tight look to her face.....She actually looked sick to her stomach! What the hell had my aunt found, and what the hell had she been in my room for! That was off limits even to her. Van and I walked into the living room....Aunty Vera was standing by a window, she slowly turned towards us. Van and I made sure we were standing apart.

"...Look after her. Keep her safe. The world these days isn't safe. For anyone....Not even for my dear Ivory..." Vera stared at Van and I.....Then, she held up a piece of paper...."What in hell's name is this?!.." She looked right at Van...."You don't make contracts, deals....Agreements. You are nothing, nobody. You are going back to where you came from! I have already made the arrangements for the Embalming process..." Aunty Vera was silent. Van and I stared at each other....Then, I was about to speak.

Aunty Vera stopped me on the spot.

"..Your going away too, dearest. If you haven't guessed by now. You were never very bright....Bit like Ivory. Your special, silly girl! You need to be in a safe place, where no one can touch you ever again..." I looked around the room. Our windows are sealed (Vera once commented for protection) The door in and out of this room was blocked....Staff from the Establishment had come, they were waiting for Van. I grabbed him, held him tight, started to cry. Van glared at Vera.....She just laughed. I was prized out of Van's hold, and held back.

Van tried to make the whole thing as easy as possible, but I kind of lost the plot and started screaming at everyone.....And, to muck things up even further, I fainted.....Servants moved me to my room. My aunt instructed all were to leave me, I was to rest. She would see me soon....Just her.

Silver and Ivy stood in the shadows. Silver was furious, Ivy was pale in the face.

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