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Emma's phone woke her up at 6:30. It was Ruby.

"Swan, I figured you wouldn't be awake so I called to remind you that you have work today. Also, I know you're probably not at home so you officially have time to go home and get a shower or whatever," Ruby laughed when Emma's reply was a zombie-like groan.

"Can't you fill in for me, Red?" Emma finally replied, using one of Ruby's many nicknames to try and persuade her.

"Nope, this one's all you. I'm meeting Belle today."

"Ah yes, the love interest." Emma smiled, she loved having Ruby as a friend, "Well, good luck, Wolfie, I hope all goes well. Fuck you for being my alarm clock, though."

"It's the hangover talking, I'll see you when my shift starts at 1"

"See you then." Emma hung up the phone and got out of bed. She put on last night's clothes and made the bed before leaving her room.

She could hear that Regina was still sleeping, so she walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where she found a pen and a notepad, so she wrote a note.


Thanks for the bed, hope the hangover isn't too bad.

I have work at 8 and I didn't want to wake you.

Thanks again,

Emma x

P.S. I think a coffee should clear up your head ;)"

Emma put down the pen and then left Regina's house.

It was cold outside, it was December though. Emma jogged slightly on her way home, trying to stay warm. She got home and took a shower and started to get ready for work.

Regina woke up around 7:15, and she made her way downstairs to look for Emma. She read the note and smiled to herself, then reached for her phone to text Emma

"Head is pounding. Coffee might make it worse...:/" She waited for a reply, which came quit quickly.

"Well, I don't know about you but some hot cocoa sounds WONDERFUL on such a chilly day." was Emma's reply with two little emojis, one was a steaming cup and the other was a little face wearing a hat and scarf.

"Sounds good.. see you soon." Regina sent the same emojis back.

Emma was in the diner by 7:45 and she was setting up the place when she heard the bell go off. She came out of the kitchen to see who is was and she was met by Regina's wide smile.

"Swan, I hope you have those cocoas ready." Regina joked, she looked a wreck. Emma could tell she had been crying.

"Hey, 'Gina, are you alright?" Emma asked, touching Regina's shoulder.

"Yes dear, just very hungover.." Regina said. She wanted to tell Emma but she didn't want to get too close to the woman because she was afraid she might gain feelings for the blonde.

"Regina I know you aren't okay. You've been crying. I want to help you," Emma told Regina with genuine concern in her voice.

"It's Graham...he called me this morning. He said he knew I was out last night but he thought I was with Robin. He basically broke up with me and I don't know how to fix it. I thought I had feelings for Robin but I can't because he's married and it would be wrong for me to put that on him and Graham, whom I love. He thought Robin slept over last night in the bed you slept in and I tried to explain but he doesn't believe me," a tear rolled down Regina's cheek.

Emma had the two hot cocoas ready and set them down on a booth table. "Sit," Emma said, taking seat herself. "Look, Regina, you can't control who you do and don't have feelings for. I will talk to Graham and assure him that you were with me the whole night, okay? Just stop worrying, it'll all be okay."

Regina smiled at Emma through her tears. "Thank you, love. This cocoa is amazing by the way."

Regina and Emma sat and talked for a while and then another customer entered.

"I have to get going anyway, Emma. I'll see you later."

"Okay, Regina. Oh and I'll go talk to Graham during my lunch break, where can I find him?"

"He's the sheriff" Regina replied, and with that she left.

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