Can't Sleep

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Hello!  Its been too long my friends,  I hope you enjoy this chapter, I'm staying up late to write updates for my books.
I do not own any yugioh but do own the plot so please don't steal however if you want to use the plot just message me. Anywho,on with the story.
Yami pov.
Heba's birthday was fun for the lot of us, and a good catch up it was with the rest of the gang, Kaiba and Joey were the first to go, Marik and Bakura stayed the night,they drank us out of house and home, oh well, I wouldnt expect any less from them too, they are my cousins after all, Kaiba is the more sensiable one out of us all. I shake my head in slight amusment and go to sleep, I dont know why but I've been having teouble sleeping as of late, Yugi doeant know about it as i dont want to worry him but I think I need to get it checked out, I'll do it online in the morning, but for now,  I must try sleep.

The Morning .
I get up and ready and go downstairs to use the computer I go online to seek help from online doctors.
' Hello,  here to help'
'Hey,  I was wondering if you could help me find out why I'm not sleeping well as of recent? '
'Roughly bow long has this been going on for? '
'Two weeks'
'I see.... And in the past have you had any traumatic experiences? '
I think back....
'Yes.... '
'Ahh, how long ago may I ask? '
'Roughly 4-6 years ago'
'And do you sometimes have nightmares about the experience? '
'Yeah, sometimes'
'I see.... Was it around this time of year? '
I think for a while then it all clicked into place
'Yes, could that be why I'm not sleeping well?'
' Yes Mr Sennen,  You see your mind is a powerful organ in your body and it sends signals,  you are most likely fear full of the experience and most would be,  my advice would be to get some sleeping pills,  take 2 at night,  you can pick them up at any drug store,  is there anything else troubling you? '
'No thank you'
' you're welcome'

It all makes sense now,  I sneak out and run to the drug store, get the pills and run back intime for me to act as if I had just got up.  I hope Yugi doesn't find out.... I don't need him wording about me....
I'm so sorry that i haven't updates since August, I've had a lot gone on,  I hate college, all the drama and bullshit.  Its unreal,  if you ever get the chance,  never go to college....
Anyways I really hope you enjoyed this chapter and i aim to improve on updating I'm 2018 but don't hold me to it. XD

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Until next time
Fangirl out

P. S. :Incase you were wondering it is currently 2am here in England and I've still got 3 more books to update. Bai bai for now.

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