Yami lashes out.

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I'm just kinda winging it all at this point. Writing how I used to do with my first ever book (A True love) Don't worry I'm still gonna make sure it makes sense but I find I write better when I just go for it rather than thinking about it. so here's the next chapter. hope you enjoy.

Yugi Pov.
Can't believe our baby has gone. She was so young, too young to be taken away. She didn't deserve to go. especially like that. No one deserves to die in pain. the amount of pain flooding through her body must have been so immense bless her soul.  I look over to Yami and he's not taking it well. we're home from the hospital after saying our goodbyes to Heba and the first thing Yami did was grab some whiskey out the cupboard. I'm not a big drinker myself and I know Yami has been going through something though recently as well as the death of our daughter. I can say he's not had the best life experiences especially the last few years he's been to hell and back. I hate seeing him like this and I just hope he snaps out of it soon because I can only do so much for him and I can only be strong for so long. I just hope he doesn't go off the rails. The loss of our daughter will test his strength. Luckily I dont have to worry too much about him dying as he's a vampire an' all, but I also hope he doesn't find a way. 

Yami is silent. He has been since we got home. He didn't say much at the hospital either. I mean the whole room is silent. Our friends aren't sure what to say at this point. I need to break the silence. I can't stand it much longer but I also don't know what to say...."So Yugi you got any new cards lately?" Ryou asks. I wonder if he could feel that I wanted to break the silence.
"Ryou, I live above a card shop" I giggle. "I could have any card I want." I smile as he goes bright red with embarrassment "Oh yeah...I...Ur...Forgot about that part" He smiles sheepishly as he rubs the back of his neck putting his head down a little. "How on earth could you forget that Ryou?" a thick Brooklyn accented best friend burst out. "You literally have to go through the shop to get up here!" He exclaimed.
"I don't know!" Ryou let out a little laugh.
"At least he doesn't almost forget his pants puppy" Kaiba smirked. Joey paled. 
"You said you'd never tell 'em" Joey shrieked as the others failed to stifle their laughter anymore and the whole room burst into a fit of laugher. I look over to Yami once again who is still sat there. silent. Not even a smile comes across his face at Joey almost forgetting his pants. I move to Yami's side and ask him if he's okay, with that he stands up and walks towards the door before he leaves he turns to us. "You guys have no compassion! no sympathy for others hurt. You'd rather sit there and make jokes like nothings happened" He said with the most raised voice ever. I've only ever heard him raise his voice like that once. when he sent Téa to the shadow realm. he slightly turns to me "I expected more from you Aibou" He said softly before exiting the room. The whole room fell silent. I was trying my hardest to hold back tears. I told myself he was hurting, he didn't mean it. my eyes well up. I try to blink away the tears but to no avail. I run out the room and down the stairs, slamming the front door behind me. I ran and ran. I had no particular place I wanted to go to as long as I was as far away from home as possible. somewhere where I can be alone....


That worked out a whole lot better. I'll definitely be going back to how I used to write my stories. well, hope you enjoyed that chapter. 


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Until next time

Fangirl out.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2020 ⏰

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