Cheating Prank

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This idea was given by @JuliaTheKoala. Go check out her books.

*Evie's pov*

I was sitting on the couch scrolling through my phone looking at my instagarm. I was watching a video when Sam walked in.

''Hey Evie, can i ask a favour?'' Sam asked

''Yeah sure Sammy, what do you need?'' I replied sitting up straight.

''I want to prank Colby'' Sam said.

''Ok, why do you need my help?''I asked.

''Well i want to do a cheating prank'' Sam stated.

I looked at Sam for a second unsure of if i should do the prank or not. How would Colby react? In the end seeing Colby's reaction would make the prank worth it.

''Sure Sam, when are we doing the prank?'' I asked smiling up at Sam.

''Well Colby is going to be home in 20 minutes so i thought now''Sam replied.

''Ok lets go'' I say standing up off the couch.

Sam and I walked up the stairs and down the hallway into Sam's room. I quickly walked into their bathroom to take my over shirt off just leaving my singlet on. I walked in to see Sam with just a pair of jeans on. He was just finished hiding the camera under some clothes.

''Ok, i just texted Colby he will be home in 10 minutes.'' Sam said looking at me.

''Ok, lets get set up'' I said jumping into bed as Sam followed behind me.

Now all we had to do was wait till Colby came home.

*Colby's pov*

I drove through the gate of the house and closed it behind me. As i got out of my car i saw Evie's car parked over in the corner. I didn't know Evie would be here. Well at least i get to see my amazing girlfriend.

I walked through the door and locking it behind me.

''Hey, I'm back'' I yelled but there was no response.

I looked in the lounge room, the kitchen and the garage but there was no one here.

''Anyone home?'' I yelled up the stair case.

I slowly made my way up the stairs keeping an ear out for talking or footsteps.Once I reached Sam and Mine's hallway I heard slight laughter. I was confused so i decided to check it out. As i got closer the laughter was coming out of Sam's room. I quietly opened the door to see something that made my blood boil.

''What the hell are you guys doing?''I yelled making Sam and Evie jump.

Evie went to cover herself as Sam sat up straight.

''Wait Colby, it is not what it looks like'' Sam said trying to calm me down.

''Well it looks like my best friend and girlfriend in bed together'' I said in an angry tone.

''Colby..''Evie started but i cut her off.

''What Evie?'' I yelled making her jump,''How could you do this to me? I love you''

''Colby, please don't tell Kat'' Sam said

That only made me angrier. How could he do this to Kat and me. To his best friend and girlfriend. i thought he was a better person.

''That is it'' I say walking over to the bed.

I grab Sam by the ankle and pulled him out of the bed. Just as i was about to punch Sam, Evie stepped in front of Sam.

''Colby, Babe it is a prank'' She yelled.

I slowly unclenched my fists while Sam stood up to grab the camera. When i saw the camera i let out a deep sigh of relief before grabbing Evie and giving her the biggest hug.

''You now i would never really cheat on you Colbs'' Evie whispered in my ear.

''I would never cheat on you either'' I replied looking into her eyes.

I gave Evie i quick kiss before realising Sam was still in the room.

''Well that was a successful prank'' Sam said pointing the camera at Evie and I.

''Yeah yeah'' I said smiling.

''A big thanks to my friend and Colby's girlfriend, Evie for helping me with the prank.'' Sam smiled pointing the camera at me.

''Make sure to give this video a thumbs up guys'' Evie says giving a thumbs up to the camera.

When Sam had finished with his outro he and Evie had a quick high five.

''Well I'm going to go'' I say smiling.

''Why is that?'' Evie and Sam say in unison.

''I have to go and plan my revenge'' I say walking out the door.

As I'm about to walk out of the room i turn back to see Evie and Sam looking back at each other looking scared.

I closed the door before walking down to the lounge room to come up with my revenge prank. I decided to get a good revenge prank i needed some help.

I walk out into the garage to find the person i was looking for.

''Hey Colby, What's up?'' he said getting up from the couch.

''Well, i need some help with a revenge prank and i thought you would be the person to ask'' I say.

''What have you got in mind?''Elton asks smirking.


When Bestfriends Leave (Sam and Colby)Where stories live. Discover now