•Grocery Foods•

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August 22nd,

      Well I am officially not dead. My dad just grounded me for 1 week, like I'd go anywhere. Except for maybe to go eat lunch with Kay. Or stare at Brendan... what? He's hot, no judging!
      Shopping List: Eggs
                                Soup Mix
  Just got back from grocery foods. Guess what? Well I was shopping and I got all the stuff on the list, and went to check out and BRENDAN was there. You're probably thinking that's not a big deal it's a grocery store, but no he was the CASHIER!!! 1: I was in pajamas 2: I didn't brush my hair and 3: (worst of all) I dropped the eggs!!! It was so embarrassing, I felt my face get hot. Then he came over and helped me pick them up. So I managed to spit out a weak "thanks". But I know I was blushing like crazy. As soon as I got the mess cleaned, and my groceries paid for I zoomed out of that horrible sene.

       Well I'm beginning to blame this journal for all this sucky stuff, because it's definitely NOT Brendan, and I would like to think it's er, not me. So PEACE

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