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Chapter One

As I walk down the stairs of my brownstone home, I take notice of the various wonderful paintings that line the wall. My mother usually asks my opinion before she hangs up an artifact or painting. I can't recall her ever asking me about the lovely paintings. This draws my

attention so much that I stop to analyze the pictures. One by one I absorb the every detail of each piece of art. For a second I think maybe she did ask me my honest opinion on the colorful canvases and I just forgot. Not thinking much of the strange scenario anymore, I resume walking into the living room.

My parents lay comfortably on the loveseat that is arranged with its back against the wall. I sit on the armrest closest to my father. I sit there silently for a few seconds. I await their Good Morning routine but it never comes so I speak up.

"Well fine then, don't say good morning." I say folding my arms as if I was actually mad. When they don't respond I peek over at their faces. Their eyes were closed and their faces were blank. It seems they have been asleep for hours with no chance of waking up anytime soon. I slouch a bit and rest my head on my arms.

The doorbell rings and I jump up from my position. My father wiggles slightly trying to adjust himself while still clutching my mother's arm. I answer the door to a man in a very elaborate suit. Maybe a little too dressed up for this time of day.

"Hello, Sweetheart how you doin?" the unfamiliar man says in an Italian accent. I tilt my head slightly but not enough for him to notice or care. Do I know him? I ask myself.

"Um...Hi...can I help you?" I say unsure how to deal with this situation. The man is in his late thirties, has jet back hair that is smooth back with tons a gel, and wearing a white suit with black lining. He looks like he belongs in the 1930s.

"Yes, I'm looking for your father Jerry Green."

"How do you know if Jerry Green is my father?" I ask with an eyebrow raise.

"Trust me sweetie, I know." He says giving me a sly smirk.

"Well FYI, my father isn't here." With that I close the door shut and make sure its lock before speeding up the stairs.

I close my room door quietly and lean against it. My mind races with thoughts. Who was that? How does he know my father? What does he want? I bet he wants to kill us!

I shake my head trying to clear my mind of those thoughts. He is probably is one of his co-workers or a new business associate. I nod my head in agreement to the solution I came up with.

Yeah that must be it, Um hello where do you think dad is getting all this extra money from? He has a new successful business. I stand up from the floor just as my mother comes and knocks on the door. Slightly opening the door, she peeks her head in the room.

"Audrey, who was that at the door?" she says sleepily.

"It was this creepy man that knew dad's name and asked to speak with him, then I just guess it was one of his business partners."

"Did you get his name?" she questioned.

"No sorry mom" I say apologetically.

"That's okay honey, don't worry about it" she kisses my forehead and walk down the hall to her room.

Though that stranger came early this morning, I didn't stop wondering who it was. At night when I laid myself down to sleep, I dreamt a mysterious dream. I was in a dark hallway and on the other end was the man pointing a gun straight at me. I woke up in cold sweat and on the verge of tears. I could tell whoever this man was; he was going to be a big problem.

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