chapter two

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   Dedicated to @keshyaboyd

    Keshya POV

       I woke up to my alarm playing B.E.D pt 2

I was singing while I was gettin after I was done getting ready I picked out my out fit for school

And with my regular everyday hairstlye one big ass messy bun 😂- ~Ding dong ~ Yea I live alone but anyway I went to go see who was  yashira:omg wssp bihhh
Me: yo outfit cute

Me:damn who yhu gettin all dressed up for

Yaya:I'm going to my bf house and he picking me up after school

e:oh let's get to school

Later we @ school then we saw them ughhhhhhhhhh why
     Mateo's POV
Me:  Wssp ugly and uglier I sed but actually keshya was lookin like a whole mf buffet in that outfit bruh 😍😍 I really wanted to slap her ass but I gotta keep messin with her first den she lookin cakey asf anyway

          Ayo POV
   Damnnnnnn Yaya ass is fat 👅👅👅👅👅👅👅👅👅👅👅👅👅👅👅
Me: ouuu Wssp yaya
Yaya: ummm exscuse yhu but I  have a man thank yhu
  Me: and so he don't have to know
Yaya: oh hell naw yhu ugly asf boy bye not even if yhu was the last person on earth skrrrtttt✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻
  Keshya:😂😂😂😂😂😂 im dead bruh
   Me: keshya shut yo ugly ass upp
Keshya: oh hell naw what yhu say then she took off her shoes and started punching me
          Yaya POV
     Mateo POV
Me: ayo see this what yo ass get tryna fuck wit her I'm not gon help yo ass either 😂😂😂 damnnnnnnn ayo I'm coming 'I had to break up a mf crazy ass fight' later

    Nobody's POV
  Ayo had two fractured fingers, a fractured wrist , a pulled muscle and sum other thigs Shya is not hurt at all sad but anyway both of them are suspended for 5 days which means nun really but bye 🙋👋🏻

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