teo pov pt 2

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'Let me warn y'all real quick there or may be a "lil"by lil I mean more then a lil but any way a lil freakiness in this chapter and in the next on'
Me*bring keshya hella close*
Recap over
Me:*-still holding keshya* no but whatever yhu were saying wasn't really important right so why does it matter
Keshya: it matters because yhu said I wa- *cutoff by teo kissing her*
Yaya:oooooouuuuuuuuu Ok Shya get yhu someeeeeeeeee
Ayo:okkkkkkkaaaaay I seee yhu teo get yhu sommmmeeee
Me: yhu my gf now yhu don't have a choice to say yes or no either so cmon
Keshya:where are we going?
Me: we going to a place
Keshya:what is that place called ?
Me:awe nevermind I could just call one of my limos hol up rq

Phone convo
Mateo: wssppppp Alexxxxiiiii
Alexi:what yhu need lil boy
Mateo I need a limo cause my girl wit me
Alexi:awe I'm surprised yhu gotta a girl 😂😂😂
Mateo:jus hurry up damn
Alexi:be there in 100 mins
Mateo:Ok .......wait what
*Alexi hanging up*
A/n we got a new character her name is Alexi she look like this

She like girls also just to let yhu know and this what her gf look like

Her name is emani Mani or nini for short anyway she gon come later in the story
*back to story*
Mateo thoughts
Awe Alexi texted
Text convo
👻💬lexi👻💬-what yo location
💃💃teo💃💃-I'm at Kingston mall hurry tf up
👻💬lexi👻💬-lil boy I'm coming damn
*end of text convo*
Mateo : yes bae
Keshya:where are going
Mateo : yhull see
Keshya:but I wannna knoooooooowwwww nowwwwwwwwww
Mateo : yhu will just 5 more mins
*horn honk*
Keshya: awwwwwwwww baeeeee
Mateo :yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I'm such a good bf right
Keshya:ehhhhhhh ig
Mateo : yhu saying that now wait till later now get in the mf limo *slaps keshya ass*
Keshya:owwwww baeeee
Mateo : that shii did not hurt yhu just being extra now get in
Keshya: ughhh Ok whatever
Mateo :*pushes Keshya in the limo*

This the inside of the limo
Mateo:yhu like it cause if yhu don't I'll get Alexi to redesign it for yhu
Alexi:awll hell nall I'm not redesigning shii she just gon have to like it
Mateo:have yhu even seen what my gf look like
Mateo:let me show yhu a picture of her *shows Alexi picture*
Alexi:boyy don't show me that yhu tryna get me slapped I'm not getting slapped today ah hell naww go sit tf back down
Keshya:😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I'm deceased I can't breath
Mateo : *gives Keshya a "yhu better shut yhu lil fine ass up" glare*
Keshya: *gives teo a "and if I dont" stare
Mateo : alright wait till we get to my house be like that
Keshya:fine I will be like that don't talk to me 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻 Mateo
Mateo : oh so we calling each other by gov name well Keshya why tf yhu got a mf attitude
Keshya:ion got a attitude if yhu say I got a attitude ima catch one cause yhu the one who started it sooo yhu can get yo facts straight ..
Mateo : I never- yhu kno what yhu right bae I'm sorry *start kissing Keshya neck*
Keshya: mateooooo staaaaooooowwwwpppp
Mateo : I'm not gon stop until yhu stop calling me by my gov name *moves to her collar bone*
Keshya:fine then teo staoooooowwwwwwppppp
Mateo:nope that ain't goin to work either
Keshya:ugghhhhhhh baeeeee stoooooooopppp
Mateo : yhu know I would but I don't feel like it
Alexi : hate ruin yhu guys sex fest but um we here

This is Mateo mansion
Mateo : yhu like it bae
Mateo : Yea it ain't even all that
Keshya:boooooyyyy this shii is mf awesome what yhu talking bout
Mateo:cmon let's go inside

That's what we saw when we first walked through the door then we saw
This is the next room we saw

Mateo:The comfort room for when we have arguments and yhu be petty and decide to sleep by yoself. Then we got the game room and on the left we got the movie room

I'll show yhu the rest later but I'll show yhu the bedroom tho 😊

Mateo:bae cmere I gotta show yhu sum*pulling Keshya in the room*
Keshya:Ok bae what is it *getting pulled by mateo*
Mateo :well if yhu come here I could show yhu
Keshya:ughhh I'm here now what yhu want
Mateo : let's cuddle
Keshya:are yhu serious that's all yhu wanted yhu could've just told me *rolls eyes and get on bed*
Mateo : ik tf yhu didn't just roll yo eyes at me
Keshya: I did and yhu gotta problem wit it
Mateo : *takes off shoes and shirt*yes I do have a problem wit that *walks up to Keshya*im not playing wit yo ass no more *put hand Around Keshya throat*
Keshya:*gasp* 'oh my mf god I'm so scared' whatever Mateo

Alexi POV
Cliff hanger I'll be back tho and Deedee546 it took me kinda a long Time but I did it for yhu

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