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Alec’s Pov

I walked into Cameron’s room and noticed he wasn’t there.

‘Where is he?’ I thought to myself.

Shrugging it off I walked downstairs to the kitchen to get something to eat. Doritos called my name from the cabinet. I grab the chips and begin to think about Braelyn.

She was my first crush. I was in second grade and she was in first. I remember when we hung out together, just us.


 I went next door and knocked on the door.

“Cameron is sick with the stomach virus but i’ll get Braelyn if you want?”

I nod my head because I got a new toy and I was dying to show someone.

She came running out and we sat under the big apple tree in her front yard.

“Look at the new toy I got!” I said excitedly to her. And we played with it for hours.

We took a break under the apple tree and ate sandwiches her mom made us.

My flashback was interrupted by muffled screams. It was Braelyn, she was having a nightmare. I tried waking her up but it didn't work.

I was worried about her. And I wanted to do something to try and help.

So I walked into the kitchen to get her a glass of water. I turn around and Braelyn was standing there. She looked so scared, I wanted to wrap her up in my arms and just hug her. Make sure she feels safe. But I can't, she is with Chris.

I handed her the glass of water. “Thanks” she whispered softly. I smiled and nodded my head.

She took a small sip and went back into the living room.

“Alec…..” Braelyn whispered, her voice so soft and vulnerable.


“Uhh.. Can..I sleep with you tonight? I’m kinda scared..”

I smiled.

“Yeah I don't mind.”

She went to the couch and grabbed all of the covers and went to Camerons room and made a pallet on the floor.

“Brae you don’t have to sleep on the floor. There is room in the bed”

She looked up to me.

“Fine, but we arent doing anything okay”

I nod and she lays down on the bed. I get the light and join her.

After awhile I pretend i'm asleep and put my arm around her petite body and close my eyes.

Braelyn’s Pov          

I was about to fall asleep when I felt Alec’s arm drape around my waist. I have never seen Alec like this. Everyone thought that there was no soft side to him. But after what happened tonight I realized that it was just an act; he was sweet and caring. There was something that Alec had that Chris didn’t; I just don’t know what it is.

‘Eyes like a car crash, I know I shouldn't look but I can't turn away’

The ringtone that always played when someone called played throughout the room.

“Hello?” I said sleepily.

“Hey honey something came up and the trip is going to last another 2 weeks.” My mom said into the phone.

“Oh okay. Be safe mom! Love you!”

“We will! You know where we keep the money. No crazy parties and don't do drugs or drink!” My mom said worriedly in the phone. Before I could reply the signal went weak and the phone call ended.

And soon after that I drifted to sleep.


Vanessa’s Pov

I wake up and feel a pair of arms wrapped around me. I turn to see Cameron laying beside me sound asleep.  I smiled and realized Braelyn wasn’t in her room. I walk downstairs and she wasn’t there either. There is only one other place she could be. Cameron’s room..

Braelyn was snuggled up to Alec. It was adorable, I knew there was something there.

“Vanessa?” Cameron called for me.

“Im over here” I whisper-yelled so he could hear me but not loud enough to wake them. Cameron walked over and saw the two wrapped in each others arms. He didnt like it, at all.

“Alec get up!” Cameron yelled and Alec shot up also waking Braelyn.

“Why were you sleeping with him!” Cameron yelled to Brae.

“I could ask you the same thing” She mumbled. It was true, he slept with me. How was this different?

We all sat in silence as Cameron went on and on about Alec and Braelyn and what could happen if he hurts her. The same things all older brothers say. ‘If you lay a hand on her ill kill you’ and all the threats that go along with it.

“Cameron, calm down, Alec wouldn’t hurt her intentionally and we all know it.” I spoke up softly and scared of his reaction. But it seems that he took my comment to consideration because he calmed down and offered to go get breakfast for everyone. We nod and give him our orders and I follow him to the car.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2014 ⏰

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