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"Do you know where he is?" Moonwan asks.

"Yes, let me direct him to you." Kit smiles like he is not disappointed. Kit starts walking to the table where they sat at and Moonwan follows.


Ming waits patiently for Kit, knowing that him going to the bathroom was an excuse to stop the conversation that they where having.

Ming looks to his right. He frowned immediately from the sight. Kit walks over with Moonwan right behind him. Ming eyes prevent him from looking at anyone but Kit and Moonwan.

Kid sits down calmly. Moonwan sits right next to Ming. Ming looks a Moonwan.

"What are you doing here?" Ming asked just a little bit irritated. Kit just watches. "Dear, you said that you had a present for me." Moonwan tells him innocently. "What are you talking about?" Ming said confused.

"You said it was a bracelet, I think..." Moonwan looks around. "Like that one!" She points at Kits bracelet. Ming has no clue what she is talking about.

Or does he?

Nahhh! I'm just kidding. He doesn't.

Kit takes off the bracelet and tosses it on the table.

The universe-

You now, love has its ups and downs, but how will these love birds figure this out?


Kit stands up. "Sorry Moonwan, this was a misunderstanding."
Kit felt a deep sadness and he feels used. Kit looks at Ming, with a sad angry look. Kit walked away, going into the crowd of students and seniors.


" Wait p'!" Ming yells out, sanding up from his chair. But Kit just keeps on walking. "What's going on?" Moonwan asks. Ming slowly turns his head to Moonwan. She notices the anger building up in him.

"Whats going on with YOU? Huh? You know that I don't have a bracelet for you, what are you doing this? What do you want?" Ming is waiting for a explanation.

" Ming, he is a guy, I know you still have feelings for me! I'm trying to keep you from doing something you'll regret!" Moonwan yells at Ming.

A couple of students around them stared, and then continued what they were doing.

Ming fully ignored what she said.
"How do you even know that I was giving him a bracelet?"
Moonwan doesn't answer.

Ming looks at Moonwan in disgust. " Moonwan, I have moved on, and it's time for you to do too." Ming says.

Ming grabs the bracelet from the table, turns from her, and walks away. Leaving Moonwan defeated, standing there.

Ming looked everywhere, but couldn't find Kit. Ming sees Beam and runs toward him.

"Hey Beam..*pant*... Do you know where Kit went?" Ming asked out of breath. Beam turned his head in confusion. "I saw him with you last, what happened?" Beam asked. "N-nothimg.. I got to...go." Ming quickly says running away.

Ming looks at the stage area, the meeting room, the buffet. Where is he? Did he leave? Ming runs to the parking lot. He scanned the area and... Oh there he is! Kit has almost reached his car.

The parking lot is very dark, Ming can barely see. No one bothers coming here now that the graduates party started.

"Kit!" Ming screams. Kit turned around, saw Ming and stopped walking, facing toward him. Ming runs to him, now standing before him.


"Let me explain-"

"There's no need to. I'm not mad. I don't care. I'm just going to leave." Kit interrupts Ming opening the drivers seat to his car. "Kit, you are mad, and you do care, let me just-" Kit raises up his hand, signaling to shut up.

It's so hard for Kit not to yell right now, but he is tired of anger. He isn't angry, he is sad.

"Here." Ming says. Kit turns around. Ming is holding out his hand, with the bracelet on it. Kit looks at Ming. "I can't." Kit mumbled. "Kit, it's not what you think, I-I'm sorry." Ming says.

Kit looked at the ground then back at him. "Sorry isn't going to cut it." Kit said, turning away from Ming. Kit gets in his car, starts it up, and drives.

Kit looks in the review mirror, Ming is standing there with his hand still out, the bracelet with no wrist to wear.


He stands there left all alone. He wants to cry, but holds it in for when he gets home. He walks back to the crowded party and looks for Yo.

Ming sees him talking to Beam. He walks over. "Yo, I'm going home, I don't feel well."

Yo and Beam look at Ming. "What's wrong? Where's Kit?"
Yo says worried.

"He already left." Ming says with deep sadness. Ming walks away leaving the two curious men.

Ming walks to his car in the parking lot. He gets in, put his head on the steering wheel and cry's.

The universe-

If it doesn't break your heart, it isn't love.

What's going to happen? I'm am thrilled to give you guys this part and hope you enjoy it!

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