Chapter 2

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I looked under the bed. I got a box from under the bed. I put it on my bed. I got a key from a safe book. I had two keys. I opened the box with the key. I saw my isle clothes. I then got a book out. It was a sketch book. It was some sketches of clothes and jewelry. I made these designs. I never showed them to anyone. Besides Carlos, he came into my room and he saw me drawing in it. And I liked him so I showed him.

Flashback(on the isle)
I was drawing in my sketch book, because I was bored. Evie and Mal went somewhere without me. I didnt know where the boys were. I was drawing clothing and jewelry. Then someone came in and it was Carlos. "Carlos" I said nervously. "What are u doing?" He asked. " Nothing" I said closing the book. " Come on, u can trust me." He said. "Can u?" he asked. "Fine. Its a sketch book. They are clothing and jewelry. My own designs." I said showing him the book.

      " Wow, these are." " I know, their terrible." I said. " No, no no. These are AMAZING" He said. "Really" I said a little happy knowing that my crush likes my designs. " Yea" He said. "But dont tell anyone" I told him. "My mouth stays shut" Carlos said. "So wanna come with us. We are going to cause some trouble. " He said. " Sure" I said. I smiled then put my book where no one can find it. "Dont show anyone, promise" I said. " Promise" He said back. I then walked out with Carlos.
End of flashback

As I was looking at some disigns, then Evie came in. I closed the book imedietly. "What do u got there" Evie asked. "Nothing" I replied fast. I put the book under my isle clothes and closed the box. I locked the box and put the key in my hand purse. If I didnt put it in my hand purse then Evie would have saw me put it in my safe book. And she would have looked in the box. "Ima go now" I said. I ran out.

       I then walked to where Carlos wanted me to meet him. Once I got there I saw Carlos looking around. "Hey Carlos" I said. He turned around and smiled. "Wow u look" he paused. "Beautiful" He said. " So, where are u taking me" I asked. "Just come with me" He said taking his hand out. I got his hand and we started walking. He took me to the enchanted lake. It was all decorated. It was beautiful. "This is beautiful" I said. There was a table with all my favorite kinds if food. And he had our favorite drink. He sat down then I sat down.

      "Why did u do it all nice this time" I asked. " I have made nice dates" "no u haven't." I said back laughing. We started eating. "Wanna go for a swim." Carlos asked. "In a while, first let's just sit here and talk" I said. I put my hair down cuz we were going to go for a swim. We started talking. "OK, to tell u the truth" Carlos started. "I asked Jane to help me with this date. She's awesome." He said.

        My smile disappeared. "Oh, Jane" I said. "What's wrong." Carlos asked. He then pushed my hair behind my ear. I put my head back. " I'm not feeling good" I said. "C-can we leave?" I asked. "Umm, sure" he answered. I out my hair back up. "Do u want me to-umm-nvm" Carlos was asking but stopped. We just walked to my dorm. Once we got there, I asked him a question before I went in. " Carlos, before I go. Can I ask u something" I asked. "Sure, what is it." He asked.

       "How much do u love Jane as a friend?" I asked. " Umm, scale from one to ten, 10. She is an amazing friend." he said. And then he started day dreaming. I tried yelling his name out but he would get out of lala land. Probably thinking about Jane. "CARLOS!!" I yelled. "CARLOS!!" I just gave up. I went in and slammed the door. Ugh, I hated the fact that Carlos likes Jane and is still with me. Does he even love me.

       I know for sure that he likes or maybe even love Jane. I was about to cry but I stopped. I wasn't going to cry. I dont cry cuz that means weakness. I will never cry. I just changed into some PJs. I laid down on my bed. Idk where Wenda was. I was falling asleep when I heard the door open and close. I sat up and saw Wenda. "Srry, did I wake u" She asked quietly. " No, no. Just barley laid down." I replied. " So how wa-" She got cut off. " Dont even ask. I dont want to talk about it rn. I just wanna sleep." I said. " Well, night" she said. I laid down again. I closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep.

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