11. Distractions

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This chapter gets a littleeeee fluffy near the end, lol some lemons nothing too bad. If you can't handle like kissing(??) Ill put a warning I guess. LOL I just don't wanna get flagged. Anyway you just gotta read and find out ahaha. Don't forget to leave comments on spelling or grammar or things you just like:) Vote if you wanna, its good to know which chapters I did good on. Love you all! Thank you


Zuri POV

I wake up and turn over on my side to unplug my phone from its charger.


Tiffany: Are u up?

Me: Am now.. why do u ask?

Tiffany: ...nothing, just make sure ur up and decent.

Me: Lol, okay will do. See u later

Tiffany: U too😬

I laugh at my screen a bit, put it down and sit up. As I yawn and clear my eyes I stand up and approach my dresser.

"What does she mean 'up and decent'? Whatever I'm staying inside today anyway." I mumble to myself.

Maybe if I don't see Griff I won't focus on how stupidly jealous and anxious I'm getting.

I take some clothes out and head to the bathroom. After I finish getting ready I lay back down on my bed and begin looking through my phone again. I'm in the middle of scrolling when Tiffany barges in and closes the door behind her and stands in front of it.

Jesus Christ what's going on

My eyes shoot up from my phone, "Tiffany what are you doing?!" I say confused.

"Okay look. I'm just gonna say this now please don't be mad at me. I didn't say what I said to be a bad friend or anything but I did it out of pure care for you. Also, this needed to get dealt with. I don't have much time so just act natural."

And with that Tiffany opens the door back up and walks out closing it behind her.

Well, that was odd.

I stand up and walk towards the middle of the room examining the door confused. Just as-


I quickly look up to a familiar voice and face holding the door open standing in the doorway. My boyfriend. The one I've been ignoring...

I get immediate butterflies from seeing his face again after what feels like so long.


I see him look dead into my eyes.. hurt. This is the person I care about. Oh God, I'm literally the worst girlfriend on the planet.

I look away then back for a second and before I know it I'm rambling.

"Look I'm super sorry you've probably noticed I've been acting a little weird around you I guess."

He then walks up to me concerned, until he's standing right in front of me.

"Maybe not weird but like shy and I really didn't mean to but I just see you with all those girls around you and how they give you so much attention and I just felt like you saw them all and you're losing interest in me and you probably don't even like me anym--

In one swift movement, he kisses me. I feel like I'm no longer stressed. Like all my worries were pointless. He deepens the kiss making it almost feel as passionate as the first time we kissed.

He pulls away. I'm dazed and he looks at me and smirks.

That damn smirk.

"And I thought I was the one who rambled too much." He says confidently grabbing my hand.

"And I think I should ramble more often," I say moving closer.

"Hey, I'm here for a reason, stop distracting me!"

"Fine fine I'll stop 'distracting' you," I say smirking.

I walk over and sit on my bed and he follows. Griff sits across from me and lets go of my hand.

He stares at me for bit and smiles.

God, I love his smile so much.

"What?" I say giggling slightly embarrassed.

"Oh nothing, don't mind me." He says laughing. "So do you wanna tell me what's been going on, at a pace I can actually comprehend?"

We both laugh lightly

"Sorry... I don't know I guess I've been overreacting. I guess I've just been a little—" I cringed a bit before speaking again. "—jealous..."

"Jealous?! No way. Zuri Ross. The one I'm dating. The girl who never gets fazed by anything. I don't believe it." He says laughing.

I slap him on the shoulder lightly. "Stop it, it's not funny," I say smiling a bit.

"Sorry, I just.. you would be the last person I'd expect to ever get jealous."

I thought so too.

"Well, I'm sorry if I can't help it when all the girls here are falling all over you," I say shyly.

"What?" His smiled fades as he looks at me genuinely confused.

"They're always flirting with you, or sitting on tables in front of you, and its like you don't do anything to stop it."

He looks down then back into my eyes, "Really? They're flirting with me?"

"Yea. Heart eyes and everything. It's gross..." Then it dawns on me that he really never knew. "...how could you not notice?"

I ask now partaking in the medley of confusion among the both of us.

His confused faced relaxes into a calm one. Like he had just discovered something new about himself. He then seems to find his answer among his thoughts as a smile appears on his face. Our eyes lock.

"Because... you're the only girl I notice."

I literally feel my heart explode and my stomach becomes filled with butterflies.

"It's sappy, I know but no seriously, its like I've been blind this whole time.. its weird." He says.

(A/N) **Fluff**

I roll my eyes and jump into his lap and kiss him. He smiles into the kiss in which I then deepen. My heart is racing as I feel my excitement levels rise. We begin making out forgetting the fact that we're at camp but it doesn't faze either of us. His hands run down my back and up the back of my shirt. He suddenly pulls away and looks at me.

"Stop distracting me! I'm not finished talking to you." He says laughing and I frown.

I attempted to leave his lap but he held me there.

"Nope, I need you to focus. You're staying here."

I laugh a bit and look at him with my full attention.

(A/N) **End Fluff**

"Next time you're upset with me, please just tell me. I didn't enjoy not being able to talk to you for days. I mean we've been together for like 2 years now. I pretty sure I'll understand whatever problem you may have." He says. He looks deep into my eyes making sure I understand. I nod.

"I have a massive crush on you ya know," I say winking exaggeratedly.

"Oh, that's too bad because I love you." He shrugs and says looking up at me.

He could say it a thousand times and I'd still internally freak out every time.

"Pssshhh whatever." I laugh. "Can I just kiss you now?"

He laughed too. "Come here."

Griff and Zuri Story: One Long WeekWhere stories live. Discover now