Chapter 2

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            They reached the edge of the woods, they looked dark and scary, but luckily the moon shined enough light to light the path.

            “C’mon,” Terry said. “Into the woods we go.” The pair and the dog walked on, Eric had the gun close by his side, prepared for what is to come on the journey. They walked down hilly paths, rocky terrains, eventually coming back up onto the main path they walked on in the first place. Laying beyond the trees was a glade, and in it a small deer nibbled on some grass. Henry saw the deer and wanted to chase after it, but decided to stick to the game plan and help look for a nasty beastie. But soon the peaceful and content doe heard a rustle in the trees and dashed off in the same way it came into the glade. A dark shadow moved silently and undetected, but Eric saw it move in the corner of his eye. He stopped suddenly and looked out towards the glade.

            “What it is?” Terry asked him.

            Eric did a double take, blinking a few times then giving his reply. “I thought I saw something in the glade there; must’ve been a trick of the light or something.”

            On the north front, the troop valiantly went and – oh, wrong story. (Start again.)

            On the north side, Jerry quietly walked his way through thickets and clearings, taking every caution and ready to fight the beast. He’s got to be here somewhere, he thought to himself. Meanwhile, a shadow lurked in the trees, watching. It slowly and silently crept through the bushes and thickets and quietly set itself down behind a bush, haunches ready to leap and have its victim meet his maker. Jerry stopped for one brief moment, surveying the area. He titled his head slightly and cocked his ear up. The wolf sat silently, holding its breath, eyes staring widely at the man. It wanted to tear the man’s throat out and eat his heart, hell everything. Jerry put his head back in its original positioned and moved on; so did the wolf. It kept low to the earth, watching Jerry’s every move, eyes still staring hungrily at the man, silently making its way to intercept Jerry and tear him to pieces. Jerry reached a clearing and made a left; the wolf stopped and stood up, but its right foot soon met a sharp pain that clamped onto its ankle. The wolf was caught in a bear trap, it roared in pain as it went down. Jerry turned round and leveled his gun, slowly walking towards where he laid that trap.

            “All right, you,” Jerry said. “Come on out, you devil’s hound you.” Silence answered him, then a figure jumped out of the bush. Jerry fired his tranquilizer gun while the wolf was in mid lunge. The big beast fell to the earth, softly growling as it was losing consciousness. Jerry carefully went up to the wolf, set the trap free, and went round to the front again. The wolf’s glazed eyes slowly looked up at the man, then they closed. It changed into a man, making it easier for Jerry to carry him. He laid one of his coats over the naughty bits and carried the man in his arms back to his house. Once he reached the premises, Jerry went over to the cellar doors outside the house and went down the steps. He walked a short corridor and soon came upon a heavy metal door. He pushed a button by the door and it slid open.

            The room itself was dank and a little dark, only a single light bulb hanged above a single metal chair. It was set up like an electric chair, with leather straps that bound the hands and upper arms as well as the chest, it had cold shackles that held the ankles in their place. Jerry set the unconscious man down and went to fetch some scrub pants and boxers that laid in a locker that was in one corner of the room. Next Jerry set the man in the chair, strapping him down. He pulled the head rest up and strapped the man’s head down as well. The man began to stir before Jerry was done with the guy’s head. Jerry quickly went over to a table and retrieved a needle that had a very strong tranquilizer. He plunged the needle into the man’s arm, and within a few seconds, the man started to close his eyes once again and drift off into unconsciousness.

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