Chapter 1

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"This music fest is going to be the shit." Aaron told me.
"Go there drunk and dance like no one is watching?" I said, "Sign me the fuck up."
"I'm not even sure what you're more excited about, getting drunk or the music fest." Chris said.
"Getting drunk, obviously." Lewis said as he high-fived me.
Oh, I didn't introduce myself, did I?
Name, Nick. Short for Nicholas. Average height, medium build. I'm the guy in every group who's there just because his practical jokes are the only thing he's worth existing for.
"Fuckin' waste of sperm you guys are" Aaron muttered as he lit his joint up to which Chris burst out laughing.
"Dude, are hot girls going to be there?" Lewis asked.
"I hope most of them are." Chris replied.
"You're talking like you're going to get so much pussy over there." I said, laughing.
"Says the guy who fucks up real bad with his crushes." Aaron countered, fist-bumping Chris.
"Valid point" I accepted.
"But we don't really care about the girls, do we?" Lewis asked, although it sounded more like a descision.
"Speak for yourself, peasant." I replied, taking the joint from Aaron.
All three of them started talking about the artists who'll be performing in the fest as I pulled the joint over to my lips. I felt the smoke engulf my lungs as I pulled it in. Once my chest felt heavy, I blew the smoke out, the now free smoke making my eyes water. I felt relieved. Relaxed. At peace.
I entered my house. At least, what I thought was my house. Some fucking hurricane must've ripped this place apart.
"Ah, the disgrace has returned!" I heard my father shout out from the kitchen.
I walked in to a heavy and dense fog in the hall created by the inumerous amounts of cigarettes he must've smoked. I walked over and sat on the couch, removing my shoes.
"What the fuck were you doing out so late?" My dad shouted, stumbling out of the kitchen.
"I'm sorry...?" Damn, he reeked of beer.
"I'll just go to my room then" I muttered as I got up. I entered my room and locked the door. I walked over to my music system and turned the volume up, and then jumped onto my bed. I pulled my phone out, browsing the net for a while. Finally getting bored of it, I pulled the bong out from my cupboard. I sighed as I lit it up.
I think the gurgling of the bong as it is being ripped is melodious.
I woke up to the sound of glass being shattered. I groaned, glancing at my watch.
3:12 A.M.
I walked out of my room to inspect. For all I knew, it could've been a burglar. But no, I needed to know.
I'm amazing that way.
I entered the hall, expecting some freaky shit. But it was just my dad and one of his drunken rants. About me, of course.
He was shouting incomprensible abuses and was throwing beer bottles all over the room.
"Umm, hey" I said.
"What?" He grunted.
"Is mom back yet?" I asked him.
"For all I know, she might be in bed with someone else right now."
Okay, you say whatever you want about me, I'm chill. You try abusing my parents, especially my mom, you're done for.
"Don't talk about my mother like that." I said, clenching my fists.
"And what can you do even if I continue to?" He asked, trying to trigger me. Lucky for him, I already was.
"Listen here, you unemployed piece of shit," I said, in an eerily calm tone. "You've done nothing to support this family ever. So stop harassing the only person who's keeping this sinking ship of a family afloat."
My dad's eyes flashed with anger as he pushed me to the wall, hard. I fell and was about to get up as he hurled a beer bottle directed at me. I moved my face out of the way in reflex. I felt shards of glass peirce the side of my face.
I shrieked out in pain as I felt him kick me in the gut.
Shit has officially become real.
I felt anger surge through me as I got up and punched him twice in the face. He staggered back and screamed, "YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT, YOU DARE TO HIT ME?!"
"Yeah, I fucking dare to." I said, turning and heading back to my room.
I turned the music up high and ripped my bong again.
Ah, just another day of the life of Nicholas Blade.

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