Chapter 2

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"OWW, MOTHERFUCKER!"  I shouted in pain as Chris pulled a shard of glass out from near my eye.
"Bitch, good thing you moved your face out of the way." Chris said, as he dropped the shard with the three other pieces he'd removed.
"Yeah, you're already ugly, we can't handle an ugly blind fucker" Aaron commented.
I flipped the bird on him.
"Seriously,though. You need to do something about this." Lewis said, concern evident in his voice.
"The police is the only option. But I can't bro." I told him.
"Yeah, too many legal complications." Aaron said.
"It's not just that man. He's my damn dad." I said. "I can't just hand him over to the cops."
"That, I can agree with." Chris said.
I hissed in pain as Chris applied tincture on my wounds.
"Atleast get your mom to deny the night duty." Lewis said.
"We need the money, bro" I told him, "That's the only thing letting us have a decent living."
"Anyways..." Aaron trailed off, pulling a packet of herb from his pocket. "Grade A, come to papa." He grinned.
I whistled. " Aaron Creene, you fucking beauty."
"Where's the grinder?" Aaron asked.
I gave him mine.
And just another bake session ensued.
Ah, today's the day of the music fest.
It's been a week since the incident with my dad and I'm guessing he's chosen to ignore my existence.
Fragile male ego.
The fest was being held in the beach. So, the ideal way to dress would be a sleevless and cargo shorts and that's what I chose.
Aaron called me up.
"Yep." I answered.
"Get your ass to the car, we're outside."
Ah, ever the gentleman.
I walked out and got to the car.
"Today shall be the bomb." Chris said, imitating a priest preaching.
"And off we go!" Lewis said, turning the ignition.
"YEAH!" Aaron cheered, riding shotgun.
By the time the party got started, we were drunk off our asses. I was dancing, more like moving in the wierdest way ever, when I met Bethany.
"Cunt" She greeted me.
"Dick" I said, hugging her.
"Aren't you supposed to be with your stoner friends?" She asked me.
"Well, I'm pretty sure they're each humping a girl back there" I motioned to the crowd.
"Nice. Wanna take some shots?" She invited me.
"Just one" I replied.
The next thing I know, I've finished twelve shots, three more than Beth, making me the undefeated champion.
"YEAH!" I roared, taking my shirt off. I quickly realised that the people here didn't deserve to see something this horrific so I just put my shirt back on.
I tried to walk, but started stumbling. I saw Beth stumbling from the corner of my eye and put my arm around her for support. More for me than for her.
Beth and me became friends through a mutual friend. We quickly bonded when we realised we both have the same taste in porn. I know, amazing. We meet rarely, but when we do, we chill like we meet every other day.
Beth steered me to a spot that wasn't that crowded. We both sat on the sand, as stable as drunk people could sit themselves down. Two guys came walking towards us and plopped down next to us.
"How drunk are you?" The guy with the scraggly beard asked Beth.
"Very" She replied.
"And now we're going to have to  drop her home." The other guy whined.
"We were going to anyways." Scraggly reminded him.
"Oh, yeah." The other guy remembered.
"Do I know you guys?" I slurred.
"Hey. Adam." Scraggly introduced himself.
"Nick." I nodded.
"Yo, I'm Alex" The other guy fist-bumped me.
"You guys study with Beth?" I enquired.
"Yeah." Adam replied.
"She's a pain." Alex said.
"Agreed." I said.
I felt my stomach churn and knew I needed to puke right away.
"Be right back." I told them as I got up. I stumbled around looking for a place to throw up as I bumped into a girl. More like fell on her, but anyways.
"Watch where you're go-"
I puked, missing her by inches.
"Impressive." She said.
I grinned as my legs buckled and I fell on the cold, hard sand.

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