Chpt 6 Olympia

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Hey guys new chapter

I always get worried when authors switch characters in different POVs because well Divergent's know what happens at the end of Allegiant


So this is why I've not been updating last tuesday my dad collapsed but he just came home today and I've been busy with visiting him and assignment work. I'm not even kidding its in for next Tuesday and I've just started, however for being a horrible bitch I am I'm updating twice this week and also my dads home so yayayayayay.

I'm soooooooo soooorrrrryyy please forgive me *grabs hold of your leg while you try to run away from me *

Not edited.

Don't have time need to finish do a little a bit of work so sorry again for any typos







Olympia P.O.V

When we saw what house we were staying I was shocked, how could anyone afford this. Of course my dad, we were living down Belgrave (it's an actual place for all you Sherlockians). It was a white row of building with fancy black cars parked outside them, the door was big and dark black.

"Oh my god" my mum says, just then a man round my mums age with, soft combed mousy brown hair comes out with grey eyes. Wearing a black and white, suit and tie.

"Ah Mrs and Miss Hallon, your quiet early than I'd thought you'd be" the handsome sales men says. I grin instantly thinking my mum will be blushing.

"Please just call me Donna" my mum says as I pull out my headphone from my right ear.

"Sorry Donna. You must be ....?" the sales man asks

"Olympia" I tell him

"Sorry about that well my name is Mark or you can call me Mr Turner but I would prefer to be called Mark. Well let's get you inside and some papers signed eh" he opens the big black door. Oh my fucking hell god, how much bloody money did my father have ?

The hallway lead into two other rooms on the left and to the right of us. I think the right one was the kitchen. The walls were white with pictures of me, mum and dad hng up. There was a little wooden cabinet with vase of fake red flowers with pictures with me on my first Pony when I was five. At the end of the hallway was stairs.

"Wow it's beautiful here" my mum says

"Isn't it, I live three doors down and wow it's beautiful. Also you have a perfect view of the park from here" Mark points out "I'll let you settle in while me and Donna sign some papers" Mark says. I go back to the car and grab my suit case before immediatly dropping it because of it's weight.

"Here let me help" I hear a young manly voice say. I look up, is everything here beautiful, a boy my age with sun kissed blond hair and sparkling blue eyes.

"Thank you" I say stepping back, he picks up my suit case.

"Hi my names Ty" he says

"Olympia" I say

"Nice name" he grins

"Um thanks" I say

"I love next door to you in the right" he points out "so where are you from ?"

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