What if ?

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What if ....
.... Olympia's dad didn't disappear ?

.... Olympia wasn't dating Miles ?

Olympia P.O.V

The front door opens and my dad walks in through the kitchen door. He kisses my mothers cheek then the top of my head. I sit at the wooden table and fiddle with the fork handle.

"So where is your friend ?" My mother asks.
"He just in his car on the phone j-" Before my dad could finish the sex god himself walks in.
"Sorry I'm late I just had some business to take care of." God that man is just yummy. I can practically see the bulging muscles under that white shirt I want to rip off. He had soft brown light hair and dark brown eyes. He has an eagle tattoo on his neck and waves on his upper muscle toned arm.

"I..it's fine." My mother stutters. He's defiantly intimidating, theres something about him. "Mr ....".

"Please call me Ryder." Ryder smiles.

"Sorry this is my wife Donna and this is my daughter Olympia." I smile shyly at him. "Please sit." With just my luck his place has to be next to me. He sits next to me. My parents go back to talking.

"I've heard a lot about you." Ryder informs me.

"I hope it's good stuff." I chuckle lightly.

"It is." He winks before he grabs my knee from under the table and giving it a squeeze.

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