True Love

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Is it possible? "Is it really possible that everyone has this one person 'meant' for them?"; I find myself pondering over this despite of having always been a firm believer of the same.

I have always admired stories about the triumph of true love over any obstacle and hardship. Being an avid reader, all those fairytales, poems about love, Shakespeare's star-crossed 'Romeo&Juliet' and various other romance novels which has shaped me into the hopeless romantic that I am now, used to fill me with the hopes of finding my own true love one day.

But, as I mature and see more of the world today, the idea of 'true love' seems like a myth. I feel as though those beautifully written literature expressing the dreamy beauty of love, has probably raised my expectations in vain. It seems as though it's a myth that our fate would bring us to the one meant for us. We instead find ourselves wondering about how it could be possible that there's just one person, a 'soulmate' meant for everyone when often we could see a person feeling more strongly than the one they love does; unrequited love being another example. What if it's not the right one, but we somehow get so delusional and fall in love with the idea of love and the 'built up' image of the person we expect them to be? That's a tragic mistake most people seem to be making, by rushing and falling in love with the 'idea of love and being in a relationship' rather than actually falling in love.

In this generation when it's becoming a trend to try, use and change people like mere clothes, true love seems to be an unattainable fantasy. It has become so easy for one to take relationships for granted. Rushing into falling in love or the desperation for satiating carnal feelings, seems to be so common that nobody any longer knows what exactly the definition of 'true love' really is. Such a pity that the lines between lust, infatuation and love seems to be blurring. What is the point of meaningless, ingenuine short termed relationships or rather 'flings', when at the end of the day one would definitely wish for having someone to grow old with?

I still prefer the old school love; a love that's patient, pure, honest and truly passionate. A love that takes time with slow, deliberate yet steady steps, forms a deep mental connection and helps two souls grow and blossom together into better beings. Only such a pure love could be everlasting. Now that's what true love really is, I believe. Despite of it seeming extremely rare, I still do have a glimmer of hope in me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2017 ⏰

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