Chapter 5.

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(Selenas thoughts)

"No!" Harry screamed. "What's wrong?" "You! It's always been you! You're cheating on me! You always have!" "Why would I do..."

Harry slapped me. He grabbed my shoulders as tight as he could and began to shake me. "You are a no good two timing bitch!" He pushed me down to the floor nd began biting, slapping, punching everywhere.

"Auhhh!" I scremed.

I sat up with a sweat on my forehed. I looked over at Harry who was fast asleep. I gently rubbed his arm and looked at him for awhile. "You would never hurt me, would you?" I thought to myself.

I laid back down and tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn't.

(Justins thoughts)

I let Christy off at her house around 2am. I was on my way home, when I got a text from Selena.

"Can I come over? I need to talk to someone..." I replied with, "Sure."

When I got home, she was already waiting on my front porch, tears streaming down her face.

I ran up towards her and put my arm around her. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"I... I had thi... this dream. More... more like nightma... nightmare." She began to weep harder.

"Tell me." I said.

"Okay, well, Har... Harry was really up... upset with me. He st... started yelling at.. at me. He called me a two timing bitch. He said I was cheating on him. He st... strted hurting me. Th... then I woke up."

She put her arms around me.

"It's okay... calm down." I said as I stroked through her hair. "Let's go in and talk more about this."

She wiped her eyes, then shook her head yes and we went in.

Before I knew it, it was morning and Selena and I had fallen asleep in each other's arms on my bed.

With cameras flashing everywhere.

(Jasmines thoughts)

"Wow, this is... wow." I thought to myself as I read  US Weekly mgazine.

"Justin with his new girlfriend... but then is seen asleep with Selena in his bed hours later!"

There was a picture of Justin and this pretty brunette kissing, while later that night, he was sleeping with Selena in his room. Wow, maybe he was cheating on me when we were together.

As I was thinking this, I felt sick. I ran towards the bathroom.

Two weeks I've felt like this. Plus, I was late.

I went to the store and got a pregnancy test.

When I got home I took it and anxiously waited...

(Christys thoughts)

My heart is broken. I am in so much pain right now. Justin told me I was all he cared about! But now look, he's with Selena again! I knew this was too good to be true. I texted Katlyn. "Katlyn, plz stop being mad at me. I need someone 2 talk 2." Almost instantly she replied with "Call me."

"I saw the pictures. I'm so sorry Christy that I was so mad! I was being dumb, when you needed me the most."

She started to cry, soon after I did too.

"Are you going to break up with him?" Katlyn asked. "No. I'm going to ask for a explanation first."

Before she could respond I heard her mom yell for her to get off the phone.

"We'll talk about this later, Christy. Bye." And she hung up.

(Justins thoughts)

I ran towards the windows and drew the curtains closed.

"Selena! Get up! Now!"

She slowly got up, but realized something was wrong and became alert.

"What's wrong????" She said.

"Camera men are outside  taking pictures of us! We fell asleep in my bed Selena! You need to get out! Now!"

She got her things and ran outside. But the papparazzi was crowding everywhere.

"Are you and Justin back together?" "Justin are you cheating on your new girlfriend?" "Selena, do you still love Justin?"

We kept pushing them away until she got safetly into her car and drove away.

I ran inside of my house and watched the sea of papparazzi only get bigger and bigger.

(Harrys thoughts)

"What the bloody hell!" I slammed the tabload on the table. I called Selena over and over but she didn't answer.

Selena walked through the front door.

"No!" I screamed. "What's wrong" Selena asked.  "You! It's always been you! You're cheating on me! You always have!" I said as I walked towards her. "Why would I do..."

Before I knew it, I slapped her.

She looked at me in disbelief. I grabbed her by the shoulders as tight as I could and shook violently.

"You are a no good two timing bitch!" I pushed her down to the floor and began to beat her.

and with every punch, I felt more and more happy.

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