Hank!McCoy X Reader

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You scrambled through your room, grabbing this and that and just shoving it into random drawers that were already stuffed to the brim with previous junk.

"Is everything alright in there?" Hank's voice sounded again outside your door.

"Just splendid," you growled quietly so he couldn't hear. "Come in!"

The door clicked and swung open revealing your boyfriend and favorite person in the world, Hank McCoy. You noticed he wasn't wearing his lab as he usually was.

"No lab coat?" you asked curiously.

"I have other things to deal with today," he muttered slyly. You cocked an eyebrow, liking this mysterious edge.

"Like what?" you questioned again, taking a step closer to him.

"I was hoping you would come on a date with me," he smirked, readjusting his glasses nervously. Although he seemed comfortable and confident on the outside, you knew him well enough to realize he was actually a really awkward cutie.

"What did you have in mind?"

"I don't know I figured we could go out in town a bit and just see where our feet take us," the genius replied. You grinned and leaned up to kiss him.

"Sounds perfect." You gazed into his eyes before pulling him into a tight hug. What would I do without you? you thought to yourself. "I love you."


Walking around a corner, you shifted your sunglasses from your head onto the bridge of your nose, shielding your eyes from the harsh sun.

"Its bright out today, huh?" Hank chuckled.

"We can go inside if you want," you suggested.

"It's okay, really," he insisted. You shook your head and entered the pizza shop you had arrived at.

"This place has the best pizza ever," you stated matter of factly. He gave you an oh really? look and you two continued to the front of the shop to order.

You sat down and enjoyed the first bite of your slice. While you were digging in, you noticed Hank just staring at you, a smile spread widely across his face. You stopped mid-chew to say, "What?"

He laughed, looking down at his pizza while his smile grew. He looked back up at you, his eyes adorably wide. "You're just amazing." You blushed, smiling and finishing your bite.

"Well, thank you, so are you," you replied, winking.

After lunch, you decided to head back to the mansion since you were both pretty tired. Yes, tired. Everyone needs to nap every once in a while.

"I'm sorry to cut our day short," you apologized again.

"No, no, I agree with you, I am bagged! Either way, this day was all about you, so you were allowed to choose what we do. Going back for a nap sounds beautiful right about now," he added with a chuckle.

You smiled and looked down at your feet continuing to walk. You felt his hand brush up against yours and you entwined your fingers with his, leaned onto his shoulder, feeling grateful for his support. You closed your eyes for a few seconds, relishing how alive you felt right now. You were free from the life you were both stuck living. For the first time ever, you weren't mutants. You were just regular people.

You arrived in front of your door and Hank turned towards you to say goodbye.

"Today was great," he smiled, looking down at you.

"Yeah," you replied happily, biting your lip. You stood on your toes as you kissed for what seemed like an eternity. When you pulled away, he followed your head, but finally let go. He chuckled and you leaned your foreheads against each other.

"Hey (Y/N)?" Hank whispered.


"I love you."


Short for a first chapter I know, but I hope you enjoyed. This took me so long to write since I didn't really have any great ideas for this one without ripping anyone else off.

Thanks for reading, and I promise my next chapter will be better.


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