Scott!Summers X Reader

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You opened the curtain to your room, letting in the little sunlight that could squeak its way atop the horizon. Lifting your hands above your head made you light-headed, so you took a seat back down on your bed. You gripped your forehead in your palms, trying to regain your stability.

Taking a deep breath, the air got caught in your throat and you started having a coughing fit as you choked on absolutely nothing. The coughing became so intense you began to feel nauseous. Still choking, you ran to the bathroom, throwing up your midnight snack into the bottom of the toilet.

Oh god, you thought, disgusted, as a putrid taste appeared at the back of your throat. Your eyes watered as you realized you were definitely not going into class today.

Sighing heavily, you went back to bed and closed your eyes, head throbbing painfully.

                            *     *     *

A sharp knock on your door shook you from your sleep. You opened your eyes, standing up slowly to reduce the risk of invoking another ~incident~. Another knock sounded at your entrance, and you shouted, "I'm coming, I'm coming!"

"(Y/N)? Is that you?" a voice came from the other side of the door. You recognized it as none other than Scott Summers, your best friend. You opened to the door to answer his question.

"In the flesh," you croaked, then cringing at the way your voice sounded.

"Oh my god, you sound terrible!" Scott exclaimed, inviting himself in and closing the door behind him. "And look terrible at that matter, too, but that's not why I'm here." You rolled your eyes and let him continue. "You weren't in class so I had to come find out why." Gesturing at you, he continued, "And I guess I have my answer."

You breathed in to start a sentence but had another bout of coughing which, eventually, turned into a disaster of itself.

You had started making your way over to the toilet, but you hadn't made it in time. You threw up all over the bathroom floor. And you were so exhausted from it, that you passed out.

                         *     *     *

You awoke lying in you bed, staring at the ceiling. You sat up, but a hand appeared on your forehead, pushing you back down. "You need to rest." You sighed.

"I've been doing that for the past..." You check your watch. "Two hours?!"

Scott nodded. "You're really not doing good. Do you wanna go to the hospital or something?" he asked gently.

"No, no, it's nothing, I'm fine." You sat up again. "Besides, I need to clean up the barf from before." You stood, walking in the direction of the bathroom.

A heavy sigh sounded from behind you as a hand grabbed your arm and pulled you back down onto the bed in sitting position. "I already did," Scott said, rolling his eyes at your stubbornness. "What kind of friend would I be if I just left that barf there for two hours?"

"A good one, since you still came to check up on me," you pointed out. Rolling his non-visible eyes again, he stood up.

"I'm going to get you some soup, it's almost lunchtime. Don't get up." With that he left. You rested your head back down on your pillow, a new found fatigue washing upon you.

You smiled. He is so sweet. Then your eyes snapped open. "No. I did not just think that." You slapped yourself in the face. "No!" you shouted. The amount of force you put into that yell caused extreme nausea to reappear. You could feel it coming up. Shit.

                             *     *     *

You gladly accepted the warm bowl of soup with the spoon that Scott had brought back for the both of you.

"Thank youuuuuuu!" you thanked, smiling like a little kid. You took your first bite and it tasted like heaven. It was delicious. It made you realize how hungry you were. You began eating super fast. You stomach was empty, even all your stomach acid had ended up flushed down the toilet.

After scarfing down your soup, you felt so much better. "I feel amazing!" you exclaimed. "It's like a miracle!" Scott smirked.

"What was that?" you asked him aggressively.

"What was what?" he answered, clearly trying to seem innocent.

"That smirk!" you growled playfully.

"Okay, fine! You got me! I put meds in the soup so you would feel better," the boy finally confessed.

You took a second to think that over. That's super thoughtful. How sweet. It took you a second to realize what you had just thought. No! You slapped yourself in the face again. Scott approached you.

"Woah, woah!" He was taken aback. "What the hell was that?" You laughed, turning red in the face from embarrassment.

"Nothing," you chuckled. He's so caring. "Agghhh!" you screamed, slapping yourself again.

"Stop! Stop!" Scott bellowed, gripping your wrists so you wouldn't hit yourself again. "I don't know if the meds just made you crazy or something, but stop slapping yourself or I'll have you put in a mental hospital!" He let go of your wrists and you both burst out laughing.

You were laughing so hard you collapsed onto your bed, smacking the covers. You had no idea why you were laughing so hard, but it was nice. Scott landed beside you, also dying of laughter.

When you both finally caught your breath, you both looked at each other, your smiles fading, traded for a more serious expression. You stared into his eyes for an eternity, feeling pure happiness.

You both sat up, keeping your gazes locked. Suddenly, your heads were propelled towards each other and you lips locked as your first kiss was stolen.


How'd you like that one? I'm getting tons of ideas for new chapters, a lot of them will be really sad, sorry (not)!

Anyways, this chapter was longer, I literally wrote it during a three-hour power outage😂😂 Random facts for you😇

Thanks for reading! Get ready, the next chapter is with Erik, I'm gonna make it intense.


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