->Chapter 19<-

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¥1 Year Later¥

It has now been a year! A year of knowing the boys! I still can't believe it! I'm so lucky to have Zach! Also, I forgot to mention, Jessie and Lily went back home! They were only here for a while. I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off, I looked at the time to see it was 5:00am. We were gonna go to Florida. I felt an arm wrapped around my waist and I couldn't help but smile. I could never get over Zach! His smile! His hair! His brown eyes! Ughh just too much. I somehow got out of his grip and I looked at the suitcases by the door. I smiled and walked out and went to the kitchen. I looked in the cabinets and found a megaphone! Don't ask me why we have one! I walked back into the hallway where all of our rooms are.

"WAKE UP SLEEPY HEADS!" I yelled into the megaphone making it super loud. No one was up still. "THERE ARE PANCAKES!" I yelled. Everyone got up and ran to the kitchen. Jack and Kayla came out of his room. Daniel and Ali ran out of Daniel's. Jonah and Layla came out of his room. Corbyn and Christina came out Corbyn's. And Zach grabbed my hand slowly walking downstairs. I laughed. Oh right, so, there is a new couple! Jack and Kylie, and now Christina lives with us! Forgot to mention! I walked into the kitchen with Zach and grabbed two plates for me and him. The others already chowing down the pancakes, I somehow managed to get a few for me and Zach. We both looked at eat other and laughed. He kissed me as we laughed.

"Who's ready for this Vacay?!" Jack yelled.

"WAYHOOO!" I yelled. They all laughed. We ate our pancakes and planned out our trip!

"Ok so the flight leaves to 10:00am so we have to start getting ready! As also have first class!" Layla explained.

"Ok mom!" I said laughing. Anna fell asleep on Daniel's shoulder and Kylie and Jonah we fighting like brother and sisters should while Zach, Layla, and Me talked about the trip.

"Let's go load the car!" Kylie said as we all grabbed our suitcases. We loaded the car. Well Cars. I got in the car Daniel was driving. It was Daniel driving, Anna in the passenger seat, and Corbyn, Christina, Zach, and I in the back. In the other car, it's was Jack driving, Kylie in the passenger, and Jonah and Layla in the back. We got to the airport and waited for our flight to be called. I put my headphones on and jammed out to 'These Girls' by WDW! (I have been Jamming to this song for like hours!)

¥time skip¥

I heard our flight being called so I got all my stuff and did all the usual stuff before getting onto the plane. It was the couples sitting next to each other. This is gonna be the best trip ever!
This one is short but the next one will be longer! I promise! Anyways who has heard the song! "I've been al through the country from La to Kentucky!" I love the song! I hope you enjoyed this! marbles2005 you will come in soon!


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