->Chapter 20<-

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Zach's Pov
We have been on the plane for about 3-4 hours and Ali had full-on fell asleep on my shoulder. I chuckled and shook her lightly. She woke up slowly rubbing her eyes. I chuckled again as she got up and grabbed our suitcases and went to the rented cars we got.

We got 3 cars. One car for me, Ali, Jonah and Layla. The other for Daniel, Anna, Corbyn, and Christina and the last for Jack, Kylie, Lola, and her boyfriend, Tristan. (Lola was a friend they had in Florida)

Lola was letting us stay at her house. We got in the cars and left. Jonah stopped at a gas station to well, get gas duh!

Me and Ali went inside getting some stuff. We got a whole bunch of junk food.

¥Time Skip¥

We finally got to the house. Well it was only like a 15 minute drive but still. We got there and it wasn't just a house. IT WAS A MANSION! We all walked around the "house" exploring. There were 10 bedrooms, 5 living rooms, 3 kitchens, 15 bathrooms, a pool, a gym, and a spa area!

Ali's Pov
THE HOUSE WAS HUGE! It had 10 bedrooms, 5 living rooms, 3 kitchens,  15 bathrooms, a pool, a gym, and a spa area! I was so excited! The rooms were all split up. Me and Zach, Daniel an Ali, Jack and Kylie, Jonah and Layla, and Corbyn and Christina. I was getting tired so I brought my suitcase and stuff to me and Zach's room. I changed into one of Zach's shirts and a short pajama short. I put my hair up into a messy bun and wiped my makeup off. I scrolled though twitter for about 10 minutes before Zach finally walked in.
"Hey babe!" I said setting my phone on the bedside table and smiling at him. He smiled back and walked to the bathroom to take a shower. After about 10 seconds later, I fell asleep to the sound of the water. I felt someone else getting in bed, assuming that it was Zach, I snuggled my face into his chest. I smiled and slowly fell back asleep. He was so comfortable that I could lay here forever! I slowly woke up because of movement. I looked around until I saw curly hair. 


Sorry for the late update! I had writers block for a while! Should I end it soon or continue for longer? Comment! Bye Now!


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