Laito x Reader

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Laito came home late again at night and when he opened the door he saw his little girl on the couch sleeping obviously waiting for him but fell asleep. He smiled down at the little girl before him.

He carried her bridal style to her room and tucked her in her bed.

"You need to stop going out with other women." said a certain red head.

Laito stopped in his tracks and spoke "It's none of your business Ayato. Besides, what right do you have to say that?"

When Laito was about to leave Ayato pulled him and closed the door of your room and teleported with Laito somewhere.

"What are you doing Ayato?" asked Laito in an irritated voice.

Ayato let go of him and mumbled "(M/n) why did you even choose him?" he sighed and spoke "Laito your daughter needs you. You have to stop your daily habits. She misses you. Why did (M/n) even choose you? You're nothing but a pervert"

Laito sighed and replied "I already did the deed with a lot of girls. She's probably not the only daughter I have."

Ayato punched him hard in the face. "If so, then be responsible!" And teleported off to who knows where.

"Geez what's his problem? And he even hit me hard...Looks like I'll have to cancel my plans for tomorrow." mumbled Laito.

"Not doing my responsibility as a father? But I am doing it."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The next day
"Come on (Y/n) don't you want to take a bubble bath with me? I rarely have time with you, don't you want to spend some time with me?" said Laito, trying to coo his daughter.

"No I don't want to" You said as you ran off.

Laito sighed and said "It's not like I'm going to do anything to her."

(Y/n) ran into Subaru, and Subaru said in an irritated yet gentle voice. "Watch where you're going (Y/n)."

"I'm sorry Uncle Subaru" You said, Subaru was about to leave but you tugged on his pants. Subaru knelt down to your height and asked "Is something wrong (Y/n)?". It was clear in his voice that he was trying to hold back his annoyed expression and voice.

"Daddy is going to make me have a bubble bath with him. Please help me Uncle Subaru. He's might rape me." You said with puppy eyes.

Subaru has a tick mark on his forehead and asked "Where is Laito?". Trying to hold back his angry voice is very hard for him.

"In the living room" said (Y/n).

Subaru teleported to the living room leaving (Y/n) alone.

Laito was sitting in the sofa deep in thought and jumped when Subaru punched the wall.

"S..Subaru you broke the wall again. Why are you so angry?"

"(Y/n) said you are going to rape her."

"What? I know I do it to girls but if it's my daughter then no" Laito said as his two hands were in front of his face.

"If it's you then it's very possible"

Laito was punched by Subaru and got a seminar from Reiji. While Ayato was just there holding back his laughter.

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