Ayato x Sick! Reader

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You were born with an unknown illness but Reiji managed to make a medicine for this but it doesn't cure you at all. It only lengthens your life.

Your blood would come out of your mouth, then your sight would become blurry and you won't be able to move your legs whenever you won't take one of those medicines meaning not taking one of it for three days would kill you.

Your father Ayato would always take the medicine to you and laugh at you. He would say things about what is happening and what he is going to do.

But when that sacrificial bride named Yui Komori arrived everything changed. Your father would rarely take your medicine to you. It was your uncles who would always take your medicine.

You were saddened by this. You didn't want this. You walked out of your room but then you heard a girl's moans coming from a bedroom. You leaned your ear to the door, you can hear your father's and a girl's voice.

You left and continued walking. You were doing your best to think positive. You didn't want to think about negative things.

You saw Shuu sleeping as usual and when you looked out the window you saw Subaru tending to his garden.

You gave a nod and a smile. You went back to your bedroom and started pulling out a box, inside the box was a picture of you...Ayato and another woman.

You kept searching the box full of pictures until you reached the bottom. It was a locket your mom gave you before she died.

You wore it and fixed the pictures and the box again. Then put it back underneath the bed.

You gave a big smile and went out again. To you this locket was like a good luck charm.

You went downstairs and went to Subaru who was tending to the garden. "(Y/n) should you even be out here?" he asked while watching you pick one of the roses carefully.

"I just wanted some fresh air and sunlight" you said smiling at your uncle.

"Did you take your medicine already?" he asked continuing with what he is doing.

"Yes. Uncle Reiji just gave it to me this morning" you said while removing the thorns from the rose you just picked.

"Okay" he said.

You then went back inside still carrying the rose. You were happy, you then saw your father in the kitchen as Yui makes Takoyaki for him.

You saw your father smile as he age the takoyaki. It's the smile you can't give him because you're an awful cook. A frown made its way to your face.

You went back to your room and placed the rose on a vase you got. Then you pulled out an empty picture frame from your toy box and placed the picture of you, your mom and Ayato in it. Then you placed the picture frame beside the vase.

You regretted it though, you know lying to Subaru. You didn't take the medicine Reiji gave you this morning. You're planning on doing this until the third day.

You placed the pills on the table with the vase and picture frame.

~~~~~~Next Day
You sat down on your bed. You saw blood drop form the corner of your mouth, you quickly wiped it off.

"(Y/n) your medicine" Reiji said as he knocked from the other side of the door.

You opened the door, took the pills from him and said thank you. You placed the pills on the same table you put yesterday's pills on...
~~~~~~~~Next day
You were in the music room playing the piano. Everyone is at school except for you, Ayato and Yui.

Then you suddenly felt your vision get blurry when you stood up your legs won't stand. More blood came out from your mouth.

Your vision is getting worser and worser. You started coughing out more blood.

Ayato was walking the hallways. He saw your room, he sighed and opened it. He scanned the room and laid his eyes on the picture frame, he took the picture frame and got a much kore closer look.

A smile made its way to his face. Then he remembered that he had been ignoring his one daughter everyday, so he decided to apologize to you.

He then noticed the three pills. His eyes widened and took the pills. He then teleported to the music room. He saw you on the floor, you were about to close your eyes and go to eternal sleep.

But then you saw a blurry red but you knew it was your father.
"(Y/n) don't sleep!" he yelled.

You then felt a pill in your mouth. "Swallow" he ordered.

You swallowed it and your vision went back to normal.

You saw your father Ayato crying. "I'm sorry (Y/n) I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I'm sorry please forgive me for ignoring you" he said as he engulfed you in a hug.

"I'm sorry as well father. If only I wasn't born with an illness then I wouldn't be a hindrance to you" you said as you hugged him.

"You aren't a hindrance to me. I was too selfish, I'm sorry" he said.

Then he treated you to some ice cream and brought you to different stores and cafes. Let's just say you had a father-daughter date.

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