M i l K...

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I cannot Remember where I'd seen either that ADD or in the Picture or even in the Film,

Television Program,

That single Green Bottle of Milk with the number of White bottles around it...

I must admit that I've used Powder for a very long time,

Taking it rather than using Milk in my Coffee.

This was Particularly helpful to me when I was working Night Shift at the Correctional Services.

If I had to take Milk with me there, I would have been a bit of a Problem...

Coming back to this Image I cannot get out of my Head AND not remember where I'd seen it last,

I'd like to mention a few things about Milk itself...

I South Africa we Mostly use Milk from Cows,

But all over the World, they use Milk from all of these animals as well:

Goats, Camels, Llamas, Reindeer, Sheep, and Buffalo – just saying, when traveling Overseas, you may Never know where You Milk for whichever purpose comes from.

I cannot believe it'll be Harmful if so, they'd have Stopped this action a long time ago...

When Milking Cows, the Farmers make sure of a few things,

Ensuring the Freshness of the Milk in Question and the Safety of Use for us in general.

Obviously, everything they Use in Milking the Animals is used and cleaned under Regulations.

There are Specific ways in which the Milk must be treated, Producing the various products and specific Processes for the various products and in the way, the Milk must be Stored.

Most of all Usable Milk for Human undergoes Pasteurization and before the Milk is to be delivered is Chilled before Packaging.

With the Milk to go sour so fast, the Testing and Regulations of Milk is really high to maintain its Quality.

After the Animals had been Milked,

Some of the Milk is passed through a Centrifuge Accelerates, this Separate the Fat from the Whole Milk.

The finished product is called Skimmed Milk – when you look for it on the Shelves.

In the same Process, Half-fat Milk is a Semi-Skimmed product...

In most Industrialized Countries another process is used as well,

Forcing the milk through a Small Nozzle,

The Fat Globules reduce in size but don't separate after that.

This is called Homogenized Milk – which is used on most Milk.

Creating Buttermilk would be when Chilled Cream is churned gently, the Fat Globules

gather together and thus form Butter.

Hence the idea of Buttermilk.

Yoghurt is a popular by-product from Milk,

Which is Fermented – at the end of this process,

There's mostly Fruit Flavoring added, giving it that Nice taste...

So why does Milk goes Off?

Within the Milk, in this Lactic medium there are various types of Bacteria.

Under normal condition, they're not Harmful to us and other animals;

BUT under the Influence of Accelerated Factors – this change!

The Bacteria start to Multiply, they change Lactose into Lactic Acid.

Hence the Milk's Acidity increases, which affect the Protein in the Milk, separating from the Liquid and creating not only the Viscous Mass, but we get that "LOVELY" smell and "HORRIBLE" taste as well.

So, wanting the Milk to last much Longer and not SURPRISE you when you Least Expect it – here are a few things you can do;

Tem­per­a­ture – the High­er the Milk becomes, the faster it becomes sour. Always keep your con­tain­ers clean – the Pres­ence of Water, Fat, Dust, ANYTHING which shouldn't be there, it will Double the Speed at which the Milk will Sour in. The Weath­er – Leaving Milk not Only Outside, placing the Milk Jug on the win­dow sill dur­ing a Storm, it will turn to Home-made Ke­fir during the Night. Sci­en­tists don't Know for sure, but they suspect it has something to do with Elec­tro­mag­net­ic Im­puls­es...? I've got NO Idea on this one! Spe­cif­ic Bac­te­ria – The very same Additives cre­at­ed and de­signed for a Quick­er and more Ef­fec­tive change of milk into ben­e­fi­cial fer­ment­ed milk prod­ucts. They in­clude: Ke­fir Fun­gi (ke­fir), Lac­tic Yeast (yo­ghurts), Pro­pi­onic Bac­te­ria (cot­tage cheese) and Lac­to­bacil­lus (boiled fer­ment­ed milk).

Thus there's ONLY so much you can do in keeping the Milk from Spoiling.

I've been buying Long lasting Milk, which has been Treated AND one other thing here,

The very Same packaging is as Important to keep it Fresh.

After you open the Container,

Be sure to keep it Refrigerated

AND the Unopened Containers, keep them out of the Sun and Inside a Cupboard of some kind.

In the past, I've seen this to help a great deal.

Drinking the First Cup of Coffee in the Morning,

Even After the Milk had been stored in the Fridge –

That I must say is one of the Worst things to Taste,

That Lovely Cup of Coffee which should have woken you Up totally,

Kick you in the Never Regions when the Milk had gone Off!

All the best to You...    

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2017 ⏰

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