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If not now, then when?

Sunday has rolled around again. I just got home after wasting the whole morning out and about.

I'm feeling lazy. Last week, after all the gin and tonics we downed at the house in the country, I made the decision to stop going out and drinking, because I have to start looking after myself. So, true to my word, I made it seven out of seven days of the week.

On Monday, Alvar wanted us to check out this shop a friend of his has just opened, and when we hemmed and hawed, he told us that he didn't mind if we didn't want to go with him, he'd go alone, but that we shouldn't then complain when his friend didn't give us a discount. We went.

On Tuesday, Carlota reminded us of the exhibition we'd been saying we wanted to see for ages, and that if we didn't check it out, we'd end up missing it since it was about to end. We went.

On Wednesday, Rita called because there was a really cool book launch at seven and said that if we made it in good time, we could also go to the movies. They were showing a movie by the director who made that great tearjerker. We went.

On Thursday, because it was Thursday and that's just what you do, we went out.

On Friday, because we'd arranged to meet up.

On Saturday, just because.

And today, Sunday morning, we met up for the sake of it. We had drinks downtown, and then we all went our separate ways since we'd run out of things to do together.

So here I am, slumped on my sofa, thinking that Sundays should be wiped from the calendar. They should be banned.



Hmm, I wonder what Mauro's up to.

The day after I'd left him in the bar with a kiss lingering on his lips, he sent me a text: Are you OK? I replied: Yes. We exchanged no more messages that day, which was Friday, or Saturday, or Sunday come to think of it. But this week I sent him a lighthearted text: What's up, Mauro? No reply. Humph, I'm starting to get used to guys who don't bother replying.

That's the difference between hooking up with some guy and having a proper boyfriend. When you text your boyfriend, you know for sure that he'll reply within the minute, and if he doesn't, it's because he hasn't seen it or because he's driving. The difference is that you don't have to spend the whole time checking your phone, waiting for it to buzz. You can relax and even press the mute button and it's no big deal. The difference is that you know someone loves you not because they tell you, but because they make you feel that way.

Yeah, Yeah I know this is a really short Chapter but because you readers are extra special you'll get a double upload today. Yay!! :)
Anyways I guess I'll see you tomorrow...


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